Freaky Friday Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Freaky Friday Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Other than Officer Plonchik, what are the names of the other two police officers Annabel talks to in Chapter 10?
(a) Jackson and Sullivan.
(b) Harve and Stan.
(c) Jake and Dillon.
(d) Fran and Kirk.

2. Why does Boris say he is the only one in his household that can cook?
(a) Because everyone else is lazy.
(b) Because his parents are too busy.
(c) Because he is the only one who can manage to boil water.
(d) Because he has a natural talent for it.

3. What does Boris think is causing his cold since he is fine at the Andrews place and not his own?
(a) An allergy.
(b) Germs.
(c) The temperature.
(d) A chemical.

4. How old is Ben?
(a) Seven.
(b) Ten.
(c) Six.
(d) Four.

5. What is different about Annabel's hair when she gets her body back?
(a) It is curly.
(b) It is a different color.
(c) It is braided.
(d) It is shorter.

6. Where does Ms.Schmauss coyly suggest Annabel is going?
(a) To a rendezvous with a secret lover.
(b) To a luncheon.
(c) To a parent-teacher conference.
(d) To a dressy meeting.

7. What are the first names of Miss McGuirk and Dr. Artunian?
(a) Brandy and Tina.
(b) Jessica and Lilly.
(c) Robin and Liam.
(d) Felicia and Cassandra.

8. Who are Mr. and Mrs. Philip Frampton?
(a) They are teachers at Ben's school.
(b) They are relatives of the Andrews family.
(c) They are founders of a charity Ellen works for.
(d) They are business clients of Bill.

9. What is Mr. Dilk doing when Annabel walks into his office?
(a) Talking on the phone.
(b) Drinking Scotch.
(c) Writing a paper.
(d) Smoking a cigarette.

10. Which math technique has Annabel been having trouble with?
(a) Multiplication.
(b) Fractions.
(c) Addition.
(d) Long division.

11. What game are Annabel and Ben playing at the beginning of Chapter 8?
(a) Old Maid.
(b) Crazy Eights.
(c) Candyland.
(d) Chutes and Ladders.

12. What mark does Annabel get in English?
(a) 20.
(b) 89.
(c) 37.
(d) 55.

13. Does Ben put up a fight when Annabel leaves for her 2:30 appointment?
(a) He is happy that she is leaving.
(b) He gets a little upset.
(c) Yes.
(d) No.

14. What does Mrs. Schmauss accuse the Andrews family of being?
(a) Conservatives.
(b) Vegetarians.
(c) Liberals.
(d) Pagans.

15. Why does Ben pretend that Annabel's room is his own in Chapter 8?
(a) Because she asks him to pretend that it is.
(b) Because he likes playing in there.
(c) Because he wants to impress Boris.
(d) Because he wants to eventually switch rooms.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Annabel get to watch Ben while she goes to her 2:30 appointment?

2. When does the repairman say someone will arrive to fix the Andrews family machine?

3. To what character does Annabel compare Ben in Chapter 8?

4. What is Ben's No. 1 reason for hating Mrs. Schmauss?

5. Why does Annabel call Ben a "chauvinist pig" in Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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