Freaky Friday Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Freaky Friday Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Mrs. Schmauss' No. 2 rule?
(a) She doesn't scrub bathtubs.
(b) She doesn't pick up pigpens.
(c) She doesn't clean up after pets.
(d) She doesn't use strong chemicals.

2. What does the police officer say could have happened to Ben because of Annabel?
(a) He says he could have gotten lost.
(b) He says he could have broken into someone's home.
(c) He says he could have been attacked by a dog.
(d) He says he could have been abducted or hit by a car.

3. What does Mr. Dilk say about Annabel's personality?
(a) That she is very strong-willed.
(b) That she has a mind of her own.
(c) That she is nothing but a troublemaker.
(d) That she is very agreeable.

4. Who is Mrs. Betty Parsons?
(a) The school lunch lady.
(b) The secretary to the assistant principal.
(c) The school crossing guard.
(d) The secretary to the principal.

5. Where does Ms.Schmauss coyly suggest Annabel is going?
(a) To a parent-teacher conference.
(b) To a rendezvous with a secret lover.
(c) To a dressy meeting.
(d) To a luncheon.

6. Whom does Annabel get to watch Ben while she goes to her 2:30 appointment?
(a) Bill.
(b) Paul.
(c) Mrs. Schmauss.
(d) Boris Harris.

7. What chore does Annabel forget to do in her mother's morning routine?
(a) She forgets to wash the dinner dishes.
(b) She forgets to wash the drinking glasses.
(c) She forgets to wash the china.
(d) She forgets to wash the breakfast dishes.

8. Where does Annabel wish the police would take Ben so she wouldn't have to watch him?
(a) The police station.
(b) Back to school.
(c) To Bill's workplace.
(d) To the park.

9. Which math technique has Annabel been having trouble with?
(a) Multiplication.
(b) Addition.
(c) Long division.
(d) Fractions.

10. Where is Annabel's school?
(a) In the Bronx.
(b) 75th between Park and Lex.
(c) Across from Wall Street.
(d) A block from Times Square.

11. What is the real reason behind Boris' speech impediment?
(a) He has adenoids.
(b) He has allergies.
(c) He has a lisp.
(d) He has a stutter.

12. What organization does the bystander say Annabel should be reported to?
(a) ASPCC.
(b) NAACP.
(c) WNBA.
(d) PETA.

13. What does Mrs. Schmauss accuse Annabel of doing when her parents aren't watching?
(a) She accuses Annabel of sleeping too much.
(b) She accuses Annabel of drinking alcohol.
(c) She accuses Annabel of stealing.
(d) She accuses Annabel of using curse words.

14. What move does Annabel make against Mrs. Schmauss at the end of Chapter 6?
(a) She fires her.
(b) She calls her boss.
(c) She cuts her pay.
(d) She asks her to leave.

15. When does the repairman say someone will arrive to fix the Andrews family machine?
(a) A week from Wednesday.
(b) A week from Friday.
(c) A week from Monday.
(d) A week from tomorrow.

Short Answer Questions

1. What item does Annabel's French teacher like to throw?

2. Why does Mrs. Schmauss think Annabel will turn to drugs in the near future?

3. What is Ben's No. 1 reason for hating Mrs. Schmauss?

4. To what character does Annabel compare Ben in Chapter 8?

5. Who are Mr. and Mrs. Philip Frampton?

(see the answer keys)

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