Freakonomics Test | Final Test - Easy

Steven Levitt
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Freakonomics Test | Final Test - Easy

Steven Levitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The correlative educational effect seen in children whose mothers were over 30 at the birth is contingent upon what?
(a) The mother must be college-educated.
(b) The child must be the mother's first.
(c) The child cannot be born prematurely.
(d) The mother must not work until kindergarten.

2. At the end of this chapter, Levitt compares an aspiring parent to what equally deluded hypothetical figure from earlier in the book?
(a) A drug soldier.
(b) A real estate agent.
(c) An uncharismatic politician.
(d) A 7-7 sumo wrestler.

3. What often catalyzes a big-city mayor's decision to hire more police?
(a) An upcoming election.
(b) A large public event.
(c) A visit from the President.
(d) A high-profile murder.

4. According to Peter Sandman, what is the defining attribute of irrational fears that we have?
(a) They all involve death.
(b) They have happened ot someone we know.
(c) They are out of our control.
(d) They are covered regularly on TV.

5. Which of the following is not an action the authors regularly recommend in order to reach unexpected conclusions?
(a) Remain objective.
(b) Examine incentives.
(c) Ask many questions.
(d) Move to a major city.

6. Who was Rudolph Giuliani's police commissioner often credited with reducing crime in New York in the Nineties?
(a) William Bratton.
(b) Bernard Kerik.
(c) Ray Kelly.
(d) Howard Safire.

7. In a per-hour study of likelihood of dying in a plane versus a car crash, how do they compare?
(a) You are more likely to die in a plane.
(b) There is no way to figure this.
(c) You are more likely to die in a car.
(d) You are just as likely to die in either a plane or car.

8. What child's name does Roland G. Fryer, Jr., say would indicate alienation from the black community?
(a) Hunter.
(b) Madeline.
(c) Logan.
(d) Madison.

9. How many names from the top ten most popular black girls names from 1990 do not appear on the 2000 list?
(a) 0.
(b) 4.
(c) 7.
(d) 1.

10. Which figure in the book became a Harvard Fellow after doing field research in South Chicago?
(a) Sudhir Venkatesh.
(b) Stephen Levitt.
(c) Ronald G. Fryer, Jr.
(d) Arne Duncan.

11. What service was offered in exchange for firearms in a California gun buyback?
(a) Massage.
(b) Carwashes.
(c) Haircuts.
(d) Psychotherapy.

12. To what technology do the authors compare the system they use for determining regression analysis?
(a) A computer spreadsheet.
(b) A switchboard.
(c) An assembly line.
(d) A graphing calculator.

13. What is the main reason that the price of crack cocaine began to drop in the Nineties?
(a) Its potency began to deteriorate.
(b) Dealers undercut each other's prices.
(c) Junkies began to switch to heroin.
(d) Tainted shipments arrived in the US.

14. Which of the following factors is revealed not to have a correlative effect on a child's school performance?
(a) The child's parents speak English at home.
(b) The child has many books in his home.
(c) The child's parents have a high socioeconomic status.
(d) The child is regularly spanked.

15. Which group in the book has an organizational structure similar to McDonald's?
(a) The Ku Klux Klan.
(b) The Black Gangster Disciple Nation.
(c) The Sumo Wrestling League.
(d) The Chicago Public School System.

Short Answer Questions

1. What two first names were place on identical resumes in the name study of this chapter?

2. On average, what percentage of the student population is black in a school that an ECLS white child attends?

3. According to the authors, what would be a more reasonable educational concern than the black-white achievement gap?

4. In the nineteenth century, what was the first state to make abortion illegal?

5. In what year did the drop in New York violent crime begin in the 1990s?

(see the answer keys)

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