Franny and Zooey Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Franny and Zooey Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Bessie says that when the children were young, they were what?
(a) Smart and happy.
(b) Silly.
(c) Sad.
(d) Frightened.

2. What color is the bathmat?
(a) Green.
(b) Red.
(c) Blue.
(d) Orange.

3. Why did Franny move out of her room at college?
(a) Too much noise.
(b) The cat was bothering her.
(c) She disliked her roommate.
(d) She kept picking on her roommate.

4. What is Zooey's attitude about his acting career as he expresses it to Franny?
(a) He believes going to Europe will make him a better actor.
(b) He feels all that he does is undermine others' work.
(c) He feels everyone in the business is crap.
(d) He thinks he is a wonderful actor.

5. After Zooey upsets Franny, what is she trying to get him to do?
(a) Feed the fish.
(b) Shut up.
(c) Leave the room.
(d) Feed her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the film about that Zooey made with Dick Hess?

2. In a discussion with Zooey, who does Bessie say that Franny should talk to?

3. Zooey feels less frightened about Franny's need to say the prayer because she did what when she first started?

4. When Zooey leaves Franny, what state is she in?

5. What religious action does Zooey say Franny is missing in her own home?

Short Essay Questions

1. Zooey attempts to get through to Franny on many levels. One of them is as a daughter. How so?

2. What does Zooey tell Franny about her understanding of Jesus that should prevent her from saying the prayer?

3. What does the setting of Buddy and Seymour's bedroom say about their characters?

4. What does the setting of the Glasses' living room say about the character of Bessie?

5. What metaphor does Salinger use to show how badly Franny received what Zooey had to say concerning the Jesus prayer?

6. What is Bessie saying about her relationship with her children when she states to Zooey that when they were little they were so happy and smart--"just lovely"?

7. Zooey finally confronts Franny about the Jesus prayer. He points out she is being hypocritical. How so?

8. Zooey is visibly upset when Bessie mistakenly believes that Franny's little green book came from the college library. Why does this bother Zooey so much?

9. How would you interpret Franny's dream?

10. Once Zooey arrives at Buddy's phone, he puts himself in "the ready position." What is he readying himself for?

(see the answer keys)

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