Franny and Zooey Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Franny and Zooey Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What should poets leave behind according to Franny?
(a) Something beautiful.
(b) Many poems.
(c) Sonnets.
(d) Poetry books.

2. What does Franny tell Lane about her theatre class?
(a) She was thrilled with the play.
(b) She thought the role was stupid.
(c) She was taking a short break from the play.
(d) She quit the play and the class.

3. How does Lane react to the pilgrim story?
(a) He tells Franny to stop talking about it.
(b) He says that it is interesting.
(c) He thinks it is stupid.
(d) He wants to begin praying immediately.

4. Where will Franny be staying during her visit?
(a) In a room with two girls she does not know.
(b) In a dorm room with Lane.
(c) In a dorm room with other girls.
(d) In a hotel with Lane.

5. What does Franny say concerning her beliefs about whether the prayer works?
(a) She thinks it will only work for true believers.
(b) She believes that many advanced religious persons say it is true.
(c) She will say the prayer for as long as it takes to see if it is true.
(d) She believes without a doubt that it works.

Short Answer Questions

1. How would Seymour react if he knew Buddy was lecturing Zooey about acting and his education?

2. Who introduces the second part of the novel?

3. What is Franny drinking at lunch with Lane?

4. What year is it when Zooey and Bessie are talking in the bathroom?

5. What does Franny tell Lane about the letter?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the concept of the Glass children being on the radio show add to the depth of the story?

2. Zooey is described as being beautiful. Why did Salinger create him that way?

3. Why is the reader told that the restaurant is for intellectual types.

4. Through Bessie's dialogue, the reader can infer why Buddy does not own a phone. Why is that?

5. After Franny leaves for the restroom, Lane evaluates his situation. What does he discover, and what does it say about his relationship with Franny?

6. When Franny tells Lane that she believes she is going crazy, do you feel that she is serious?

7. Why does Franny hesitate to tell Lane anything about the book she is carrying?

8. Zooey lashes out at Bessie over Bessie's concern for Franny's lack of appetite. What is it that Zooey tells Bessie she is missing by worrying over food?

9. How does Franny feel as she tells Lane about the story of the pilgrim?

10. Salinger has Buddy begin the Zooey chapter of the book although Zooey himself will continue the story. Why might Salinger use the character of Buddy when he is not physically there when Franny has her breakdown?

(see the answer keys)

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