Franny and Zooey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Franny and Zooey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Franny excuse herself to at SIcklers?
(a) The bar.
(b) The table where the girls are that she will stay with.
(c) The bathroom.
(d) Home.

2. At the end of the letter, Buddy tells Zooey to do what?
(a) "Act with all of your might."
(b) Turn off the private phone.
(c) Be good to Bessie.
(d) Come to the country for a visit.

3. Why is Bessie so upset with Buddy?
(a) Buddy won't help Franny.
(b) Buddy never comes home.
(c) Buddy lives far away.
(d) Buddy refuses to have a phone.

4. How old was Zooey when Seymour died?
(a) Thirteen.
(b) Eighteen.
(c) Ten.
(d) Five.

5. What is Franny drinking at lunch with Lane?
(a) Beer.
(b) Soda.
(c) Martinis.
(d) Coffee.

6. For lunch, what does Franny order?
(a) A chicken sandwich and milk.
(b) Another martini.
(c) Snails.
(d) Frogs' legs.

7. What does Buddy believe would be Zooey's downfall as an actor?
(a) Nothing, he believes Zooey will be great.
(b) He would be too demanding.
(c) He can't memorize lines.
(d) He is no good at it.

8. What happened to Bessie's truly lighthearted son, Walt?
(a) He married and had children.
(b) He became a great actor.
(c) He left home and was never heard from again.
(d) He was killed in WWII.

9. What does Buddy apologize in the letter for doing to Zooey and Franny?
(a) Buddy and Seymour teased them incessantly.
(b) Buddy and Seymour neglected them because the boys were so much older.
(c) Buddy and Seymour filled their heads with metaphysical information.
(d) Buddy and Seymour force them to read Shakespeare and Homer.

10. What does Zooey say about Bessie's interpretation of religion?
(a) Bessie needs to go to church to learn something.
(b) The message of the New Testament is to take shorter baths.
(c) Bessie has no idea what she is talking about.
(d) That Bessie believes the message of the New Testament is an improper diet.

11. What is the name of the television show that the Glass children acted in?
(a) "Precocious Children."
(b) "Questions for Wise Children."
(c) "Wise Ones."
(d) "It's A Wise Child."

12. Why doesn't Buddy go home after Seymour's funeral?
(a) He can't face his mother.
(b) He is afraid.
(c) He is too sad.
(d) He lives too far away.

13. Why does Franny go to the restroom?
(a) She is about to cry.
(b) Her food has made her ill.
(c) She drank too many martinis.
(d) She needs a moment away from Lane.

14. What does Lane tell Franny right before she excuses herself from the lunch table a second time?
(a) He tells her he loves her.
(b) She looks pale.
(c) She should eat.
(d) She should stop obsessing over the prayer.

15. How would Seymour react if he knew Buddy was lecturing Zooey about acting and his education?
(a) Seymour would not care.
(b) Seymour would be angry.
(c) Seymour would be frightened.
(d) Seymour would be smiling.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the letter that Buddy writes, he suggests a future for Zooey that his mother also wants for Zooey. What is the suggestion?

2. For what occasion is Frannie visiting Lane?

3. Who is Bloomberg?

4. What should poets leave behind according to Franny?

5. What does Franny tell Lane happens to a person who repeats God's name incessantly?

(see the answer keys)

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