Franny and Zooey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Franny and Zooey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the pilgrim first begins saying the prayer, what is he using?
(a) His heart.
(b) His mind.
(c) His lips only.
(d) His heart and his lips.

2. When the reader first meets Zooey, what is Zooey doing?
(a) Rehearsing his lines.
(b) Reading a script.
(c) Speaking with his mother.
(d) Reading a letter while bathing.

3. Why is Bessie so upset with Buddy?
(a) Buddy won't help Franny.
(b) Buddy never comes home.
(c) Buddy refuses to have a phone.
(d) Buddy lives far away.

4. Who does Zooey say Bessie should invite to join them in the bathroom?
(a) Franny.
(b) Les.
(c) The painters.
(d) The girls from the school across the street.

5. When Franny tells Lane that he is "talking like a section man," what does she mean by the term "section man"?
(a) A teacher's pet.
(b) A know it all.
(c) A person who takes over a class when the professor is gone.
(d) A teacher's assistant.

6. What grade did Lane get on his paper?
(a) An "F."
(b) A "C."
(c) A "B."
(d) An "A."

7. The pilgrim in the book that Franny has been reading is searching for what?
(a) A better life.
(b) God.
(c) A way to pray incessantly.
(d) Heaven.

8. What does Franny tell Lane about her theatre class?
(a) She thought the role was stupid.
(b) She was taking a short break from the play.
(c) She quit the play and the class.
(d) She was thrilled with the play.

9. How does Lane feel after Franny leaves the lunch table?
(a) Worried.
(b) The weekend is not looking good.
(c) Happy she is gone.
(d) Indifferent.

10. For lunch, what does Franny order?
(a) A chicken sandwich and milk.
(b) Another martini.
(c) Snails.
(d) Frogs' legs.

11. At the end of the letter, Buddy tells Zooey to do what?
(a) "Act with all of your might."
(b) Turn off the private phone.
(c) Be good to Bessie.
(d) Come to the country for a visit.

12. In the letter that Buddy writes, he suggests a future for Zooey that his mother also wants for Zooey. What is the suggestion?
(a) For Zooey to continue to be an actor.
(b) For Zooey to get his PhD.
(c) For Zooey to move out of the house.
(d) For Zooey to find a wife.

13. What does Franny tell Lane about the letter?
(a) That it was difficult to write.
(b) She mailed it weeks before.
(c) She was glad that she wrote it.
(d) She wished she had never written it.

14. What was it about the Glass family that caused problems as Buddy saw it?
(a) Crazy parents.
(b) The radio show.
(c) Too much education.
(d) The age differences.

15. What does Buddy apologize in the letter for doing to Zooey and Franny?
(a) Buddy and Seymour teased them incessantly.
(b) Buddy and Seymour filled their heads with metaphysical information.
(c) Buddy and Seymour neglected them because the boys were so much older.
(d) Buddy and Seymour force them to read Shakespeare and Homer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who introduces the second part of the novel?

2. Where are the two meeting?

3. How many years before had Buddy's letter been written?

4. After telling her tale, Franny attempts to return to the bathroom. On the way what happens to her?

5. What does Franny wish was underneath her chair?

(see the answer keys)

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