Frankly in Love Test | Final Test - Easy

David Yoon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Frankly in Love Test | Final Test - Easy

David Yoon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 21, what happens between Frank and Joy at Kyung Hee's wedding?
(a) They dance and sing together all night.
(b) They kiss and get together as a couple.
(c) They have a huge fight.
(d) They share food.

2. In Chapter 16, why is Frank so upset about with his father's injury?
(a) He feels he has disappointed his father by not getting into the right colleges.
(b) He feels he does not really know his father very well.
(c) He feels his father never told him he loved him enough.
(d) He feels he has disappointed his father by not speaking good enough Korean.

3. In Chapter 26, what does Frank see his father doing that makes Frank suspicious?
(a) Exercising vigorously.
(b) Taking pills from a container.
(c) Writing out his will.
(d) Drinking more beer than usual.

4. In Chapter 20, how do all the Apeys think they did on the SAT?
(a) They think they did great.
(b) Only Q thinks he did well.
(c) They think they did poorly.
(d) Frank and Brit think they did well but everyone else thinks they did poorly.

5. In Chapter 27, what is one question Frank has about his relationship with his father?
(a) Should he try to get to know his grandparents better?
(b) Has he made his father happy?
(c) Should he stay to work in his father's store with him?
(d) Should he make a trip back to Korea with his father?

6. Why does Joy call Frank for a ride home in Chapter 15?
(a) Wu had a flat tire.
(b) She and Wu had a big fight.
(c) Wu got sick and had to go home alone.
(d) Joy's mother asked her to have Frank drive her home.

7. What score does Q receive on his first round of taking the SAT?
(a) 1360.
(b) 1230.
(c) 1400.
(d) 1590.

8. In Chapter 18, what does Frank tell Q about the bride in the wedding he is about to attend, Kyung Hee?
(a) She is about to become a lawyer.
(b) She is Hanna's best friend.
(c) She is "super Korean."
(d) She is a fashion expert.

9. In Chapter 27, what "joke" does Mr. Song make that makes Frank's father upset?
(a) He said he would fund Frank's father's retirement.
(b) He said he would buy Frank's father a Gucci bulletproof vest for Christmas.
(c) He said he would need a dowry from Frank's father if Frank was going to keep dating Joy.
(d) He said he would buy Frank's father's store for Christmas.

10. In Chapter 25, what momentous event happens between Frank and Joy?
(a) Frank gives Joy a promise ring.
(b) Joy asks Frank to go to the same college as her.
(c) Frank asks Joy to marry him.
(d) Frank loses his virginity to Joy.

11. In Chapter 24, what does the old woman's grandson do to try to make up for her rude behavior?
(a) Gives Frank a tour of the beach.
(b) Gives Frank a book.
(c) Gives Frank some rice desserts and then invites he and Joy to eat at his food truck.
(d) Gives Frank a Tascam.

12. In Chapter 22, who likes Ella Chang?
(a) Andrew Kim.
(b) Frank Li.
(c) John Lim.
(d) Bob Richie.

13. In Chapter 22, who drives home from the wedding?
(a) Frank.
(b) Frank's father.
(c) Frank's mother.
(d) Q.

14. In Chapter 22, what does Frank tell Brit that makes her the most angry?
(a) He never told Joy they were dating.
(b) He never told his parents they were dating.
(c) He never told Hanna they were dating.
(d) He never told a single person they were dating.

15. Why does Joy post a picture of herself and Frank to social media as soon as Frank arrives to pick her up in Chapter 15?
(a) She knows it will buy them a few hours when their parents see it.
(b) She wants everyone to think she and Frank are really dating.
(c) It is habit because she posts to social media so much.
(d) It is part of her paid job to post to social media.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 19, what does the Internet tell Frank about the definition of "black"?

2. In Chapter 24, what does Joy get on her second round of the SAT?

3. In Chapter 23, what is one of Frank's favorite books?

4. What game does Mr. Soft let Frank's class play after taking the SATs?

5. In Chapter 16, who goes to the hospital with Frank?

(see the answer keys)

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