Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940 Test | Final Test - Easy

William E. Leuchtenburg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940 Test | Final Test - Easy

William E. Leuchtenburg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940 Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When discussing Roosevelt's disability, Leuchtenburg mentions that the President has been unable to walk unassisted since which year?
(a) 1929.
(b) 1914.
(c) 1932.
(d) 1921.

2. When in May 1940 Roosevelt explains how quickly bombers could leave West Africa and reach Omaha, he mentions that the Army at this time has how many infantry tanks?
(a) 1,500.
(b) 350.
(c) 675.
(d) 13.

3. Twice a week, during Roosevelt's press conferences, how many reporters were typically let in to question him?
(a) 60.
(b) 125.
(c) 32.
(d) 200.

4. Which of the following individuals laments in "Stalemate" that Thomas Jefferson would not have spoken to the Democrats?
(a) Harry Byrd.
(b) Carter Glass.
(c) Josiah Bailey.
(d) Maury Maverick.

5. According to "A Sea of Troubles," how many residents of Cleveland go without food or clothing relief during the first six days of 1938?
(a) 65,000.
(b) 120,000.
(c) 9,700.
(d) 2,500.

6. Which of the following authors writes in "The Roosevelt Reconstruction: Retrospect" that "religion is not a substitute for economic planning"?
(a) Rex Tugwell.
(b) Edna St. Vincent Millay.
(c) D.H. Lawrence.
(d) Horace Gregory.

7. On October 11, 1938, Roosevelt announced a build up for how much to American armaments, a response to a speech by Hitler?
(a) $500 thousand.
(b) $300 million.
(c) $600 billion.
(d) $250 million.

8. Which of the following individuals is the Assistant Attorney General who blames monopolists for the recession in December 1937?
(a) Robert Jackson.
(b) Arthur Salter.
(c) Leon Henderson.
(d) Myron Taylor.

9. After the Soviet invasion of Finland in November 1939, Roosevelt is disgusted and lends the Fins how much money?
(a) $10 million.
(b) $12 thousand.
(c) $184 million.
(d) $25 thousand.

10. In January 1936, Al Smith charges at a Liberty League banquet in Washington that the Roosevelt administration is disguising itself as all but which of the following?
(a) Marx.
(b) Thomas.
(c) Lenin.
(d) Jefferson.

11. When discussing Roosevelt's personality Leuchtenburg mentions that every part of Roosevelt's life seems to have a public quality, including his dog of what name?
(a) Ross.
(b) Tugwell.
(c) Fala.
(d) Moley.

12. In September of 1935, which of Roosevelt's political critics is shot and killed by Dr. Carl Austin Weiss?
(a) Rev. Coughlin.
(b) Doctor Townsend.
(c) Dean Acheson.
(d) Huey Long.

13. How many deutsche marks are Jews in Germany fined by the Nazis after a young Polish Jew murders the third secretary of the German Embassy in Paris in November of 1938.
(a) 1 billion.
(b) 6 thousand.
(c) 500 thousand.
(d) 4 billion.

14. In June of 1940 Roosevelt surprises the nation by naming which of the following individuals as Secretary of War?
(a) Robert Morss Lovett.
(b) John Gleason.
(c) Henry Stimson.
(d) Frank Knox.

15. In response to Roosevelt's April request for a large-scale lend-spend program, in June 1938 Congress votes to approve how much for public works?
(a) $3.75 billion.
(b) $640 thousand.
(c) $860 thousand.
(d) $9.4 trillion.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following individuals is a reporter who remarks that Roosevelt seems far more serene than European leaders in the beginning of "The New Deal at High Tide"?

2. The exploits of which of the following individuals in 1933 and 34 convinces Americans that better federal action was needed in law enforcement?

3. In his 1937 bid to reorganize the Supreme Court, at what age does Roosevelt say justices should retire?

4. How long does it take for the Senate to approve the Neutrality Act signed on August 31, 1935?

5. When trying to decide whether or not to run for reelection in 1940, Roosevelt rejects all but which of the following possible Democratic candidates?

(see the answer keys)

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