Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940 Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

William E. Leuchtenburg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940 Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

William E. Leuchtenburg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940 Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through One Third of a Nation.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act is approved, it also creates the National Youth Administration. By which of the following individuals is the NYA program run?
(a) George Biddle.
(b) Aubrey Williams.
(c) James Moffett.
(d) Frances Perkins.

2. When the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenancy Act is approved, it creates the Farm Security Administration to provide loans to farmers. In what year does this measure pass?
(a) 1935.
(b) 1937.
(c) 1934.
(d) 1936.

3. The quote from Harold Clurman at the beginning of "Winter of Despair" states that people could smell what in the air during the winter of 1932-33?
(a) Sulfur.
(b) Hope.
(c) Depression.
(d) Starvation.

4. Upon receiving his appointment from Roosevelt, the new head of the Recovery Administration memorably remarks that it will be "red fire at first" and dead what afterward?
(a) Rabbits.
(b) Cats.
(c) Badgers.
(d) Elephants.

5. In 1934, Secretary Wallace is extremely relieved when he is able to slacken crop restriction due to which of the following natural disasters?
(a) Flood.
(b) Fire.
(c) Drought.
(d) Tornado.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following candidates has the powerful support of publisher William Randolph Hearst during the 1932 Presidential primary race?

2. In which of the following cities does Roosevelt accept the Democratic nomination for President after the 1932 convention?

3. By which of the following months in 1934 has Roosevelt grown tired of the new head of the Recovery Administration and secured that person's resignation?

4. When asked why he kept a family going on credit, a Philadelphia storekeeper told a reporter that there were how many children in the family's house with no shoes?

5. In the spring of 1934, after the demise of the Civil Works Administration, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration helped how many students attend college?

(see the answer key)

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