Frankenstein Test | Final Test - Medium

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Frankenstein Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why didn’t Safie wish to return to Turkey with her father?
(a) She wanted to focus on her profession.
(b) She preferred German society to Turkish.
(c) She knew she wouldn’t be allowed to practice her religion.
(d) She didn't like her father.

2. In which book did the creature learn about founders of ancient republics?
(a) Sorrows of Werter.
(b) Paradise Lost.
(c) Plutarch's Lives.
(d) The Bible.

3. In Chapter 18, what does Victor begin doing that makes his father believe he is finally coming out of his depression?
(a) Flirting with beautiful women.
(b) Telling jokes.
(c) Taking long walks.
(d) Throwing parties.

4. What does Henry hope to do while in London?
(a) Visit with old school chums.
(b) Tour the landmarks of the city.
(c) Tour the museums and universities.
(d) Visit with men of genius and talent.

5. Why did the creature take the locket around William’s neck?
(a) He wanted to return it to Victor.
(b) He liked the picture inside.
(c) He felt it was wasted on the dead child.
(d) He hoped to sell it.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Victor decide to leave Geneva forever?

2. How did the creature imagine the woman in the portrait would feel if she ever set eyes on him?

3. What does the creature call the cottagers at the end of Chapter 13?

4. In what city do Victor and his father stop on their journey from Ireland to Geneva?

5. Besides money, what does Victor take with him when he leaves Geneva?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 20, what threat does the creature make against Victor?

2. What fear remains with Victor as his wedding day draws closer?

3. Why were the cottagers exiled to Germany?

4. Who does Victor learn he has been accused of killing? Who does Victor think is the real murderer?

5. How do Agatha and Safie respond to the creature when they find him speaking with Mr. DeLacey?

6. Why does Victor travel to England in Chapter 18? Who travels with him?

7. How does the creature respond when he learns that the cottagers plan to move because of their encounter with him?

8. What does Victor see at the beginning of Chapter 20 that frightens him and determines him not to finish creating the creature’s companion?

9. Why does the creature think he might have a good chance of winning the affection of the cottagers if he approaches the father first?

10. Who does Victor see in his honeymoon suite when he returns after searching for his wife’s killer?

(see the answer keys)

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