Frankenstein Test | Final Test - Medium

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Frankenstein Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In which book did the creature learn about founders of ancient republics?
(a) Plutarch's Lives.
(b) Sorrows of Werter.
(c) Paradise Lost.
(d) The Bible.

2. What chore did the creature do for the cottagers in the hopes of winning them over?
(a) Cutting the wood.
(b) Milking the cows.
(c) Collecting the water.
(d) Harvesting the corn.

3. What does the creature call the cottagers at the end of Chapter 13?
(a) Friends.
(b) Teachers.
(c) Protectors.
(d) Siblings.

4. From what source did Victor often gain strength during his long search for the creature?
(a) Letters from friends.
(b) Old family letters.
(c) Dreams of his dead loved ones.
(d) The kindness of strangers.

5. Who did the creature say he was when he knocked on Mr. DeLacey’s door?
(a) The traveler.
(b) A potential servant.
(c) A long lost relative.
(d) A friend of Felix's.

Short Answer Questions

1. From whom does Victor receive a letter in the days before he and his father plan to continue their journey home?

2. What does Henry hope to do while in London?

3. Of what does the letter Victor receives in Chapter 22 remind him?

4. How did the creature come to learn the cottager’s language?

5. How did the creature address Justine Moritz when he met her?

Short Essay Questions

1. What caused the creature to begin to wonder about his own origins?

2. Why does Victor’s father encourage him to set a date for his wedding to Elizabeth?

3. Why were the cottagers exiled to Germany?

4. Why does Elizabeth console Victor as they travel to the inn at Evian on their wedding night?

5. What does the creature ask Victor to give to him in Chapter 17?

6. What does Victor see at the beginning of Chapter 20 that frightens him and determines him not to finish creating the creature’s companion?

7. Why does the creature attempt to kidnap William in Chapter 16?

8. Why does Victor leave his travel companion in Scotland to take a small cottage on a remote island?

9. How do Agatha and Safie respond to the creature when they find him speaking with Mr. DeLacey?

10. Who does Victor see in his honeymoon suite when he returns after searching for his wife’s killer?

(see the answer keys)

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