Frankenstein Test | Final Test - Easy

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Frankenstein Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Victor’s attempts to find the creature grew more and more strenuous?
(a) The creature continued to kill, causing Victor more guilt and unhappiness.
(b) The weather began to turn bitterly cold, causing Victor to struggle to travel.
(c) Victor's health began to fail.
(d) The creature began to warn people away from helping Victor.

2. Why didn’t Safie wish to return to Turkey with her father?
(a) She wanted to focus on her profession.
(b) She knew she wouldn’t be allowed to practice her religion.
(c) She preferred German society to Turkish.
(d) She didn't like her father.

3. Who was Safie?
(a) The cottager’s daughter.
(b) The cottager's wife.
(c) Felix’s fiancée.
(d) Agatha's childhood friend.

4. What does the creature tell Victor he will do to make sure he keeps his promise?
(a) Keep his bankbook so he cannot run away.
(b) Keep Elizabeth hostage.
(c) Keep an eye on him.
(d) Become his constant companion.

5. Why did the creature put the locket in Justine Moritz’s pocket?
(a) He thought she looked like the woman in the picture.
(b) He wanted to assure her that the child had died quickly.
(c) He hoped she would be accused of the crime.
(d) He thought she would like it.

6. What does Victor think of when he looks at his creature’s face?
(a) The creature’s deceitful behaviors.
(b) The calculated way in which the creature set Justine up for murder.
(c) The memory of his brother's death.
(d) The creature’s appalling appearance.

7. Who was Felix?
(a) The young girl’s fiancé.
(b) The cottager's dog.
(c) The young male cottager.
(d) The father of the cottagers.

8. During his journey, why was the creature shot?
(a) He was caught stealing.
(b) He made the mistake of following a man and young girl.
(c) He took advantage of a young girl.
(d) He threatened to kill a man.

9. Why did Victor rush home as soon as possible after the death of Elizabeth?
(a) To inform the family of her death.
(b) To check on the welfare of his remaining family members.
(c) To prepare himself for the search for the murderer.
(d) To prepare for the funeral.

10. Why did the creature only travel at night?
(a) Because he would prefer to read during the day.
(b) Because he can see better at night.
(c) To avoid man.
(d) To avoid the sun.

11. What reason does Victor give his father for wanting to travel to England?
(a) To get information to help him create a companion for his creature.
(b) To improve his mood.
(c) To visit his friends.
(d) To have one last fling.

12. About how old was Henry at the time of his death?
(a) 30.
(b) 25.
(c) 17.
(d) 20.

13. Where is the inn that Victor and Elizabeth are to stay on their wedding night?
(a) Evian.
(b) Geneva.
(c) Ingolstadt.
(d) Edinburgh.

14. What does Victor ask of Robert Walton as he finishes telling his story in Chapter 24?
(a) That he be allowed to leave the ship and continue his quest.
(b) That Walton not tell anyone else his story.
(c) That Walton find and kill the creature in the event of Victor’s death.
(d) That Walton get word to Victor’s family about his location and poor health.

15. What does Victor do at the end of Chapter 17 after speaking all night with the creature?
(a) Visit the magistrate.
(b) Write a letter to Elizabeth to warn her to watch out for the creature.
(c) Quickly return home.
(d) Sleep.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the young girl do for her father every day that puzzled the creature?

2. Where was the murdered body of Henry Clarvel found?

3. How does Victor react upon finding Elizabeth’s lifeless body?

4. From whom does Victor get a letter after he destroys the new creature?

5. Who is Mr. Kirwin?

(see the answer keys)

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