Frankenstein Test | Final Test - Easy

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Frankenstein Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Victor react upon seeing his creature through the window of his honeymoon suite?
(a) He tries to shoot the creature.
(b) He faints.
(c) He argues with the creature.
(d) He calls for help.

2. By what name did the creature refer to Safie in Chapter 13?
(a) The Beauty.
(b) The Arabian.
(c) The Horsewoman.
(d) The Jew.

3. What did knowledge make the creature aware of in Chapter 13?
(a) That he needed a wife.
(b) That he needed a job.
(c) That he could be arrested for squatting in the hovel.
(d) That he was fundamentally different from other humans.

4. From what source did Victor often gain strength during his long search for the creature?
(a) Dreams of his dead loved ones.
(b) The kindness of strangers.
(c) Old family letters.
(d) Letters from friends.

5. What city reminds Victor of Chamounix?
(a) Oxford.
(b) Cumberland.
(c) Matlock.
(d) Derby.

6. Why does Victor say he will not create a second creature?
(a) He cannot remember how to do it.
(b) He no longer has the time.
(c) He no longer enjoys working in science.
(d) He will not be the creator of more misery for human kind.

7. What does Victor tell Walton when he discusses his feelings about his impending death?
(a) He does not feel that death is inevitable.
(b) wants to fight it until he can reach a doctor.
(c) He is ready to die so that he might be with his loved ones again.
(d) He regrets not having children.

8. Why did the creature put the locket in Justine Moritz’s pocket?
(a) He thought she looked like the woman in the picture.
(b) He hoped she would be accused of the crime.
(c) He wanted to assure her that the child had died quickly.
(d) He thought she would like it.

9. Besides money, what does Victor take with him when he leaves Geneva?
(a) A collection of Elizabeth’s belongings.
(b) His brother.
(c) Jewels that belonged to his mother.
(d) His father’s ashes.

10. In Chapter 18, what does Victor begin doing that makes his father believe he is finally coming out of his depression?
(a) Throwing parties.
(b) Telling jokes.
(c) Flirting with beautiful women.
(d) Taking long walks.

11. How long did it take Victor to tell his tale?
(a) A day.
(b) A week.
(c) A year.
(d) A month.

12. Who was Safie?
(a) Felix’s fiancée.
(b) The cottager’s daughter.
(c) Agatha's childhood friend.
(d) The cottager's wife.

13. What season was it when the creature begins traveling to his creator’s hometown?
(a) Spring.
(b) Summer.
(c) Winter.
(d) Fall.

14. What stories of “gentle and domestic manners” did the creature find fascinating?
(a) Paradise Lost.
(b) Sorrows of Werter.
(c) Plutarch's Lives.
(d) The daily lives of the cottagers.

15. Where do Victor and Elizabeth plan to spend their honeymoon?
(a) Villa Lavenza.
(b) Paris
(c) Chamounix Valley.
(d) New York.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Victor notice the creature would avoid due to the populations near them?

2. Why didn’t Safie wish to return to Turkey with her father?

3. What did the creature do after his disastrous attempt to befriend the cottagers?

4. What country were the cottagers were from?

5. Why did the creature think the cottagers were unhappy?

(see the answer keys)

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