Frankenstein Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Frankenstein Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Victor, what must one study if they want to examine the causes of life?
(a) The biology of birth.
(b) Biology.
(c) The cause of death.
(d) Recourse to death.

2. What is the cause of Victor’s fever on the night Henry arrives?
(a) Nerves.
(b) A simple cold.
(c) Scarlet fever.
(d) The plague.

3. How does the creature respond to Victor’s reaction to seeing him?
(a) With understanding.
(b) With anger.
(c) With sympathetic tears.
(d) With homicidal intent.

4. Who speaks up passionately for Justine in court?
(a) Alphonse.
(b) Victor.
(c) Elizabth.
(d) Ernest.

5. Before her death, how does Justine spend her final moment with Elizabeth?
(a) Making her last will and testament.
(b) Trying to console Elizabeth.
(c) Begging for a doctor.
(d) Insisting that she is innocent of her crime.

6. Where did Victor’s parents spent the first days of their marriage?
(a) Switzerland.
(b) Italy.
(c) France.
(d) England.

7. At the time of William’s death, how long had Victor been away from his family home?
(a) Three years.
(b) Eight years.
(c) Six years.
(d) Two years.

8. To what does Victor compare his creature when he wakes to find the creature watching him?
(a) A ghost.
(b) A long dead animal.
(c) A mummy.
(d) A butchered cow.

9. Who was Beaufort?
(a) Caroline's father.
(b) A childhood friend of Victor's.
(c) A business partner of Alphonse.A business partner of Alphonse.
(d) Victor's cousin.

10. What mode of travel does Victor chose when beginning his journey in Chapter 9?
(a) Horseback.
(b) Sled.
(c) Carraige.
(d) Cart.

11. How does Robert Walton come to meet Victor Frankenstein?
(a) Walton and his ship’s crew rescue Victor from an ice flow.
(b) Walton is Elizabeth's long lost brother.
(c) They went to school together.
(d) They were childhood companions.

12. What does Victor claim was the first disaster of his life?
(a) William's death.
(b) His father's death.
(c) Henry’s bout with the measles.
(d) Elizabeth’s bout with scarlet fever.

13. How did Victor’s father respond to Victor’s lack of response to family letters?
(a) With a visit to the school.
(b) With anger and disapproval.
(c) With attempts at guilt.
(d) With a greater curiosity in his daily occupations.

14. What did the creature think of the first village he ever set eyes on?
(a) He was intimidated by the domestic animals.
(b) He found the village admirable.
(c) The number of people frightened him.
(d) The architecture of the huts confused him.

15. After William’s death, how long does Victor remain in Lausanne to calm his tumultuous emotions?
(a) Two days.
(b) One week.
(c) Four days.
(d) One day.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who promises to try to save Justine from her punishment?

2. What aspect of the recent events weighs most heavily on Elizabeth?

3. How long did Victor spend at school without a single visit home because of his devotion to his studies?

4. Upon arrival, why is Victor unable to enter his hometown?

5. What subject did Henry’s father tell him repeatedly he could make good money without knowing?

(see the answer keys)

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