Daily Lessons for Teaching Frank Miller's Sin City the Hard Goodbye

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Daily Lessons for Teaching Frank Miller's Sin City the Hard Goodbye

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Frank Miller's Sin City the Hard Goodbye Lesson Plans

Lesson 1 (from Chapter 1)


At the beginning of "The Hard Goodbye," Marv is in bed with Goldie, a woman who he is only able to describe as an angel. To him, Goldie can only be from heaven, as he can not reconcile why a woman from his world would ever want him. To have what he believes is a perfect woman professing her need and desire for him is too good to be true, but Marv cannot bring himself to question why his luck brought him here. In his eyes, Goldie is an angel, a symbol of the ultimate happiness and goodness in the world, which contrasts with his belief that he is too dark, violent, and ugly for anyone to ever truly want. This lesson will discuss Marv's idea of Goldie as an angel and how it relates to his own view of himself.


1) Class Discussion: Why does...

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