Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Francie's last name?
2. What are the men doing in the store when Francie is there?
3. Where does Francie buy her coffee and Scooter Pie?
4. Francie is responsible for all of her family's _______________________-.
5. What does Granny drink when she stops by Francie's house?
Short Essay Questions
1. Describe the scene in Diller's Drugs where Francie and Holly have an encounter.
2. How is Clarissa's room a stark contrast for the way Francie lives?
3. How does Francie get back at Holly when she is serving at Holly's home after Holly threatens her about spreading lies about her?
4. How does Francie embarrass Holly in front of her friends regarding the shrimp wheels?
5. How does the author show Francie's values?
6. Why do the Butler girls resent Francie? How do they taunt her?
7. How does Francie escape punishment from her mother for being in town when she isn't supposed to be?
8. Why do Francie and her mother have to endure humiliation from white people?
9. What does Clarissa tell Francie that she is working on and what does Clarissa give to Francie?
10. How does the author use foreshadowing regarding Jesse's hiding in the woods?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Karen English is a master at dramatic devices. Choose an example of symbolism, metaphor, and irony. Briefly identify the technique of each example and explain why it is classified as such.
Essay Topic 2
Create a brief character study of Jesse. What did he look like? What were his positive personality traits? What were his dreams and fears? What was most valuable to him in his world?
Essay Topic 3
Describe the overall setting for the story. Why does the author use the setting she does? What is the time period of the story? How important is the time period to the attitudes and issues of the characters?
This section contains 1,025 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |