Foxfire 8 Test | Final Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Foxfire 8 Test | Final Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are fighting chickens sometimes given prior to a fight to give them extra energy?
(a) A little honey or sugar.
(b) Whiskey.
(c) A little fruit.
(d) Caffeine.

2. What are buggy jars?
(a) Jars that are malformed in some way.
(b) Jars decorated like bugs.
(c) Jars decorated like baby buggies.
(d) Jars used to hide alcohol in during horse and buggy days.

3. What pottery making tool was Bud Maryland the first to own in his community?
(a) A gas-burning kiln.
(b) An electric potter's wheel.
(c) Molds.
(d) Alpine slip.

4. Who does Clyde Gibson say decides if a chicken fight can occur?
(a) Local chicken owners.
(b) The local animal humane society.
(c) The local mayor.
(d) The local sheriff.

5. Which of the following statements is not true about a cockfighting derby?
(a) The person whose chicken wins the most fights wins.
(b) There is no entry fee.
(c) Each entrant has a number of chickens.
(d) Each entrant pays an entry fee.

6. Which statement describes the legality of cockfighting?
(a) The sport is illegal only if betting accompanies it.
(b) The sport is illegal in most states.
(c) The sport is a felony in all states.
(d) The sport is legal in most states.

7. In what kind of containers does chicken breeder Clyde Gibson ship his chickens?
(a) Metalic containers.
(b) Plastic containers.
(c) Cardboard boxes.
(d) Plywood boxes.

8. What is the educational level of Norman Smith's wife, Irene?
(a) College graduate.
(b) High school graduate.
(c) 5th grade.
(d) 6th grade.

9. Why does Louis Brown think that pottery is a dying business?
(a) The clay supply is dwindling.
(b) Too many other businesses are more profitable.
(c) People don't have time to learn the trade.
(d) It can be produced overseas more cheaply.

10. Where do Burlon and Irene Craig live?
(a) Rabun Gap, Georgia.
(b) Catawba Valley in North Carolina.
(c) Corbin, Kentucky.
(d) Harrison, Virginia.

11. What rule is there in cockfighting for running chickens?
(a) Running chickens are made to enter a chicken race.
(b) A running chicken is sold for breeding.
(c) Running chickens are put back into the pit to fight more.
(d) A running chicken can't win.

12. What is a cockfighting tournament?
(a) A fight with hundreds of participants.
(b) A fight in which roosters battle until one dies.
(c) A fight with chickens who have won at least two other fights.
(d) A derby that lasts all weekend.

13. For what type of pottery does the Brown family use molds?
(a) Chicken roasters.
(b) Syrup jars.
(c) Coffee mugs.
(d) Face jugs.

14. When do chicken breeders trim or cut the combs of their roosters?
(a) When the roosters are three years old.
(b) Before the rooster's first birthday.
(c) When the rooster turns two years old.
(d) When the roosters are born.

15. What are fighting birds fed?
(a) Steak.
(b) Oats and sunflower seeds.
(c) Growth hormones and corn.
(d) Proteins, grains, and greens.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is not a chicken breed?

2. What product did the Brown family start making during the Depression?

3. How many coffee mugs can Charlie Brown make per hour?

4. In which branch of the military did Burlon Craig once serve?

5. What types of items do the Wilsons import from Taiwan and resell?

(see the answer keys)

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