Foxfire 8 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Foxfire 8 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a groundhog kiln?
(a) A kiln in the shape of a groundhog.
(b) A kiln that is painted brown like a groundhog.
(c) A rectangular kiln surrounded by earth.
(d) A kiln in which pottery is left for six weeks.

2. Why did Bruce Mosley's grandmother have to raise him?
(a) His mother deserted him.
(b) His mother was disabled in a car accident.
(c) His mother was ill and he never knew his father.
(d) His parents died.

3. Why don't Mountain City residents want to build something that would draw increased tourists to their community?
(a) They want to tear down the town and move elsewhere.
(b) They want more factories instead.
(c) They don't like outsiders visiting them.
(d) They don't want more traffic, noise or fast food restaurants.

4. What was the profession of Viola Lenoir's mother?
(a) Seamstress.
(b) Singer.
(c) Hotel cook.
(d) Practical nurse.

5. What change does Eliot Wigginton say in the book's introduction is about to be made to the highway in Mountain City?
(a) The route will be altered to bypass the town.
(b) The numerous potholes in it will finally be repaired.
(c) It will add another exit and entrance ramp.
(d) It will be widened from two lanes to four.

6. What organization gave Foxfire a grant that allowed the organization to hire a person to coordinate the development of manuscripts for Foxfire Press for one year?
(a) The National Foundation for the Arts.
(b) The Georgia Council for the Arts.
(c) The McNair Foundation.
(d) The Putnam-Southerland Foundation.

7. How long does it typically take to fire pottery in a kiln?
(a) Two weeks.
(b) Ten to twelve hours.
(c) Half an hour.
(d) Twenty-four hours.

8. What was the first "Foxfire" publishing project?
(a) Foxfire magazine.
(b) An online newsletter.
(c) A newspaper.
(d) A novel about frontier life.

9. What famous couple does Arie Meaders believe once visited and bought pottery from her?
(a) Paul and Linda McCartney.
(b) Martin Luther and Coretta Scott King.
(c) Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt.
(d) John F. and Jackie Kennedy.

10. What was the educational level of Viola Lenoir's grandmothers?
(a) Both could read and write their names.
(b) Both attended college.
(c) Both obtained sixth grade educations.
(d) Neither of them could read or write.

11. Whose death made Anna Tutt's childhood even more difficult?
(a) Her father's.
(b) Her grandfather's.
(c) Her twin sister's.
(d) Her mother's.

12. What is the population of the county seat?
(a) Ten thousand.
(b) Five million.
(c) Five hundred.
(d) Two thousand.

13. What is Anna Tutt's marital state?
(a) She is widowed.
(b) She is engaged to be married.
(c) She is single and has never married.
(d) She is divorced.

14. What did the Tutt family grow on their farm?
(a) Corn, cotton, peanuts, wheat, oats and cane.
(b) Apples, peaches, and other fruits.
(c) Tomatoes and squash.
(d) Soybeans.

15. What kind of factory is located in Mountain City in the present day?
(a) An automobile factory.
(b) A toy factory.
(c) A pants factory.
(d) A plastics factory.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following statements is true?

2. At what school does Eliot Wigginton teach?

3. Which season of the year is not good for making pottery?

4. What was the title of the book published by Foxfire Press during the period covered by the grant?

5. What organization does the Foxfire organization plan to house in the log cabin they're restoring?

(see the answer keys)

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