Four Texts on Socrates: Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito and Aristophanes' Clouds Test | Final Test - Medium

Thomas G. West
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Four Texts on Socrates: Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito and Aristophanes' Clouds Test | Final Test - Medium

Thomas G. West
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Four Texts on Socrates: Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito and Aristophanes' Clouds Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why has Strepsiades run into financial difficulties?
(a) Strepsiades has no financial difficulties; in fact, he is wealthy.
(b) Strepsiades' son has been self-indulgent.
(c) Strepsiades has a weakness for gambling.
(d) Strepsiades paid dearly for an oracle's help.

2. According to Socrates, why should experts be obeyed?
(a) They have earned it by their long years of service.
(b) They are more likely to know what is best.
(c) They have a direct connection with the gods.
(d) They are powerful men, and could damage you with their influence.

3. What is Pheidippides' opinion about the old city songs?
(a) He likes them just to endear himself to Socrates.
(b) He has a particular affection for them.
(c) He despises them.
(d) He is indifferent.

4. What is Strepsiades' ultimate goal when coming to Socrates?
(a) He wants to summon the courage to marry his sweetheart.
(b) He wants to replace Socrates.
(c) He wants to escape to Italy.
(d) He wants to trick his money lenders.

5. According to Socrates in Crito, what happens when individuals disagree on the matter of obeying or disobeying laws?
(a) The argument usually ends in violence.
(b) One will usually break the law in defiance of the other.
(c) A new law is crafted from the synthesis of the two positions.
(d) They usually cannot convince one another of the other's position.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT one of the character traits of Socrates in The Clouds?

2. Who is the first person to accuse Socrates of corrupting the youth?

3. What do Crito and Socrates agree upon in regards to retaliation?

4. Pheidippides recites a text written by which man?

5. What relationship is Crito to Socrates?

Short Essay Questions

1. What represents the "last straw" in Strepsiades' relationship with his son? Why does he refuse to speak to him in the end?

2. Given Crito's criticism of Socrates, what segment of society can Crito be said to represent?

3. What reasons does Socrates give for deciding to remain in Athens, rather than escape with Crito?

4. What is the nature of Strepsiades' most pressing problem? What does he hope to learn from Socrates? What does Socrates in turn teach him?

5. What gives law authority, according to Socrates?

6. According to Socrates, why must experts always be obeyed?

7. What violent action does Pheidippides visit upon his father? How does Pheidippides justify his action?

8. How can Aristophanes' characterization of Socrates be summed up?

9. What is the nature of the fight Strepsiades and Pheidippides have when Strepsiades throws a party for his son?

10. How does Socrates, in Crito, state his case for why he will remain in jail and face his death sentence? What forms are in use?

(see the answer keys)

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