Four Quartets Test | Final Test - Easy

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Four Quartets Test | Final Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The speaker, in the first line of Part III of "The Dry Salvages," says that he sometimes wonders if "that" is what he meant?
(a) Christ.
(b) Krishna.
(c) Jove.
(d) Elijah.

2. The speaker of Part III of "The Dry Salvages" states that there is a voice descanting what?
(a) The promontory knives.
(b) The murmuring shell of time.
(c) The opprobrius invective.
(d) The recession of fecundity.

3. The old master whom the speaker encounters states that he is not "eager to rehearse" what in Part II of "Little Gidding"?
(a) The account of his death.
(b) The lines of a poem.
(c) Their old friendship.
(d) His thoughts and theory.

4. The "time" which the speaker mentions in Part I of "The Dry Salvages" is older than "time counted by" what?
(a) Time immemorial.
(b) The roots of the earth.
(c) The swell of the sea.
(d) Anxious worried women.

5. Near the end of Part I of "Little Gidding," it is said that "the communication / Of the dead is tongued with" what?
(a) Eloquence.
(b) Fire.
(c) Sagacity.
(d) Silence.

6. The speaker asserts in Part I of "The Dry Salvages" that the sea has many what?
(a) Stories and whispers.
(b) Truths and half-truths.
(c) Tragedies and failings.
(d) Gods and voices.

7. In the final lines of "The Dry Salvages," the speaker says that contentment is found at last "If our temporal reversion nourish / (Not too far from the yew-tree) / The life of" what?
(a) Significant soil.
(b) Congenial thought.
(c) Earthly soul.
(d) Human fecundity.

8. Which of the following are the passengers on the train, not said to be settled, in Part III of "The Dry Salvages"?
(a) Periodicals.
(b) Business letters.
(c) Fruit.
(d) Conversation.

9. In the first few lines of Part II of "Little Gidding," it reads that "Dust in the air suspended / Marks the place where" what ended?
(a) A world.
(b) A life.
(c) A story.
(d) A family.

10. The speaker states in "Little Gidding"'s first part that "you are here... Where prayer has been valid" to do what?
(a) Carry report.
(b) Instruct yourself.
(c) Pray.
(d) Kneel.

11. Whose shine, discussed in Part IV of "The Dry Salvages" "stands on the promontory"?
(a) Mars'.
(b) The Lady's.
(c) Krishna's.
(d) Christ's.

12. Where, according to the first three lines of Part V of "Little Gidding," do "we start from?"
(a) The end.
(b) The beginning.
(c) The middle.
(d) Nowhere.

13. The speaker says in Part II of "The Dry Salvages" that the God of the bone's prayer is whom?
(a) Reason.
(b) Death.
(c) Christ.
(d) Desire.

14. What does the speaker say that he believes to be a "strong brown god" in Part I of "The Dry Salvages"?
(a) The river.
(b) Death.
(c) The earth.
(d) The grizzly bear.

15. What is the first of the "gifts reserved for age" that the speaker's interlocutor discloses in Part II of "Little Gidding"?
(a) The conscious impotence of rage / At human folly.
(b) The cold friction of expiring sense / Without enchantment.
(c) The rending pain of re-enactment / Of all that you have done, and been.
(d) The laceration / Of laughter at what ceases to amuse.

Short Answer Questions

1. The speaker states in Part III of "Little Gidding" that "It is not to ring the bell backward / Nor is it an incantation / To summon the spectre of a" what?

2. In the first line of Part III of "Little Gidding," it is said that there are how many "conditions which often look alike / Yet differ completely"?

3. What do the passengers watch widen behind them on the "deck of the drumming liner" in Part III of "The Dry Salvages"?

4. The first of the "conditions which often look alike" in Part III of "Little Gidding" is said to be attachment to what?

5. What is the answer to the question in Part IV of "Little Gidding," "Who then devised the torment"?

(see the answer keys)

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