Four Quartets Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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Four Quartets Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Little Gidding.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The speaker states in "Little Gidding"'s first part that "you are here... Where prayer has been valid" to do what?
(a) Instruct yourself.
(b) Kneel.
(c) Pray.
(d) Carry report.

2. What is disturbed on the bowl of rose-leaves, as mentioned in the first part of "Burnt Norton"?
(a) Time future.
(b) The bird.
(c) Memory.
(d) Dust.

3. The old master whom the speaker encounters states that he is not "eager to rehearse" what in Part II of "Little Gidding"?
(a) The account of his death.
(b) His thoughts and theory.
(c) Their old friendship.
(d) The lines of a poem.

4. The people spoken of in Part III, of "Little Gidding," who are "All touched by a common genius," are united in what?
(a) The kinship of their patrimonies.
(b) The obliteration of care.
(c) The strife which divided them.
(d) The transfiguration of the community.

5. The speaker states that a new world and the old are made what in Part II of "Burnt Norton"?
(a) Spiritually imbued.
(b) Explicit.
(c) Ecstatic.
(d) Implicit.

Short Answer Questions

1. The speaker says in Part I of "Little Gidding" that "this is the nearest, in place and time, / Now and in England." To what is "this" the nearest?

2. In Part II of "East Coker," against what does the "Scorpion" fight?

3. What does the speaker state is the "cause and end of movement" in the fifth part of "Burnt Norton"?

4. The final line of Part III of "East Coker" claims that "where you are is" what?

5. In addition to the life of the present individual and his peers, the speaker says in Part II of "The Dry Salvages" that "the past experience revived in the meaning / Is not the experience of one life only," but of whom?

(see the answer key)

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