Four Quartets Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Four Quartets Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through East Coker.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was the "unheard music" hidden in Part I of "Burnt Norton"?
(a) Outside the garden.
(b) The forest.
(c) Under the earth.
(d) The shrubbery.

2. The first line of Part III of "Burnt Norton" states that "here is a place of" what?
(a) Disaffection.
(b) Stillness.
(c) Consciousness.
(d) Time future.

3. What does the speaker in the "East Coker"'s fifth part claim becomes stranger as man grows older?
(a) His love.
(b) Himself.
(c) The truth.
(d) The world.

4. To what shall the vortex in "East Coker," Part II, bring the world?
(a) A known unknown.
(b) A whispered scream.
(c) A deceitful visage.
(d) A destructive fire.

5. What does the "wounded surgeon" ply in the first line of Part IV of "East Coker"?
(a) His eyes.
(b) His wounds.
(c) The steel.
(d) The cook.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what agony do the "Whisper of running streams" and "The laughter in the garden" point, according to Part III of "East Coker"?

2. "Garlic and sapphires in the mud," described at the outset of Part II, clot what?

3. In what do faith, hope, and love all reside, according to Part III of "East Coker"?

4. What is said to be "not here" in this "twittering world" in the "Burnt Norton"'s third part?

5. For the appeasement of what does the "trilling wire in the blood" of Part II in "Burnt Norton" sing?

(see the answer key)

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