Four Quartets Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

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Four Quartets Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Burnt Norton.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What, described in Part I of "Burnt Norton," lays on the other side of the door that the speaker and his auditor never opened?
(a) The rose-garden.
(b) Time future.
(c) The bird.
(d) Possibility.

2. What is a synonym for the word "eructation," used in the third part of "Burnt Norton"?
(a) Belching.
(b) Building-up.
(c) Destruction.
(d) Obviation.

3. Into what did the characters of "Burnt Norton"'s first part look towards the end?
(a) The sky.
(b) A pool.
(c) Their souls.
(d) A mirror.

4. What does the speaker state is the "cause and end of movement" in the fifth part of "Burnt Norton"?
(a) Love.
(b) Time.
(c) Death.
(d) Desire.

5. Into what world does the speaker mention descending in the third part of "Burnt Norton"?
(a) The world of lachrymose souls.
(b) The world without man.
(c) The world of ineffable sound.
(d) The world of perpetual solitude.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is disturbed on the bowl of rose-leaves, as mentioned in the first part of "Burnt Norton"?

2. Whose hidden laughter in the foliage does the speaker mention in the final lines of "Burnt Norton"?

3. Words and music are said to move, in the fifth part of "Burnt Norton," only in what?

4. When darkness is present, as stated in the third part of "Burnt Norton," from what does it cleanse affection?

5. By what are "Men and bits of paper" whirled about in "Burnt Norton," Part III?

(see the answer key)

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