Four Quartets Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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Four Quartets Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Dry Salvages.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. It is said in Part II of "The Dry Salvages" that man cannot think of "a future that is not liable / Like the past, to have no" what?
(a) Sense.
(b) End.
(c) Purpose.
(d) Destination.

2. "Old timber" goes to what, in Part I of "East Coker"?
(a) Factories.
(b) Eternal Death.
(c) New fires.
(d) New buildings.

3. Only by what does the speaker postulate in Part V of "Burnt Norton," that words or music can reach the stillness?
(a) The passion.
(b) The emotion.
(c) The form.
(d) The sound.

4. The speaker asserts in Part II of "The Dry Salvages" that there "is no end, but" what?
(a) Addition.
(b) A renewal.
(c) A cycle.
(d) Oblivion.

5. What does the speaker state is the "cause and end of movement" in the fifth part of "Burnt Norton"?
(a) Death.
(b) Love.
(c) Desire.
(d) Time.

Short Answer Questions

1. The speaker states in Part V of "Burnt Norton" that "Desire itself is movement," that is what?

2. In what way did the speaker, his auditor, and the flowers move in the garden of Part I of "Burnt Norton"?

3. Which of the following is not cataloged by the speaker as something "long looked forward to" in the second part of "East Coker"?

4. Whose hidden laughter in the foliage does the speaker mention in the final lines of "Burnt Norton"?

5. In the final lines of "The Dry Salvages," the speaker says that contentment is found at last "If our temporal reversion nourish / (Not too far from the yew-tree) / The life of" what?

(see the answer key)

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