Four Quartets Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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Four Quartets Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Dry Salvages.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is desiccated when the speaker descends into a different world in the latter lines of "Burnt Norton," Part III?
(a) The world of fancy.
(b) The world of sense.
(c) The world of solitude.
(d) The world of spirit.

2. What must there not be in the way wherein one goes in order to get "there," according to the speaker of Part III of "East Coker"?
(a) Ecstasy.
(b) Doubt.
(c) Despair.
(d) Faith.

3. What does the speaker say is all he can utter concerning where "we have been" in Part II?
(a) There.
(b) Here.
(c) Nowhere.
(d) Everywhere.

4. By a grace of what was the speaker surrounded in "Burnt Norton," Part II?
(a) Deprivation.
(b) Sense.
(c) Incomprehensibility.
(d) Thought.

5. Of what world's inoperancy does the poem's narrator speak of in "Burnt Norton," Part III?
(a) The world of sense.
(b) The world of fancy.
(c) The world of solitude.
(d) The world of spirit.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the speaker claim in Part IV of "East Coker" is "Our only health"?

2. What goes in and out of "unwholesome lungs" in Part III of "Burnt Norton"?

3. From what is man said in Part II of "Burnt Norton" to be protected by the "enchainment of past and future" in the body?

4. If not, as stated in Part II, for what, there would be no dance?

5. The speaker states, in the first part of "Burnt Norton," that what "might have been" is a(n) what?

(see the answer key)

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