Four Perfect Pebbles: A Holocaust Story Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Lila Perl
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Four Perfect Pebbles: A Holocaust Story Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Lila Perl
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8, Holland Again.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Marion's father move her family after the death of his parents?
(a) Hanover, Germany.
(b) Berlin, Germany.
(c) Bergen, Germany.
(d) Bonn, Germany.

2. When was Hitler made Fuhrer of Germany?
(a) 1935.
(b) 1937.
(c) 1936.
(d) 1934.

3. What type of rail car did the Blumenthals ride in on their departure from Holland?
(a) 3rd class carriage.
(b) 1st class carriage.
(c) Cattle car.
(d) 2nd class carriage.

4. What was the weather like when the Blumenthals arrived at the camp in Germany?
(a) Cold and rainy.
(b) Hot and rainy.
(c) Cold and windy.
(d) Hot and windy.

5. What was the second most prevalent disease at the camp the Blumenthals lived in Germany?
(a) Dysentary.
(b) Influenza.
(c) Typhus.
(d) Whooping cough.

Short Answer Questions

1. What countries did Germany invade on May 10th, 1940?

2. What was the name of the friend who warned Marion's father to get rid of his service revolver?

3. What was the name given to Hitler's attempt to overthrow the German government?

4. How old was Ruth when she became a widow?

5. How many Jews actually made the transfer to Palestine?

(see the answer key)

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