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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why did the orphanage burn down?
2. Who is Regine's biological parent?
3. To what animal does Torvald often compare Nora?
4. What daily responsibility does Nora have trouble managing, according to Torvald?
5. Who pursues Krogstad in an attempt to help Nora?
Short Essay Questions
1. How is Nora afraid that her lies will affect the household?
2. Why does Krogstad agree to withdraw his letter to Torvald?
3. How does Torvald react to Krogstad's first letter?
4. What is ironic about Engstrand's naming his seaman's home the Captain Alving Home?
5. How does Krogstad attempt to blackmail Nora?
6. How does Torvald react when Krogstad returns the IOU?
7. How will Dr. Rank notify Nora that he is in the final stage of his illness?
8. What does Engstrand want Regine to do at the beginning of the act?
9. What problems does Pastor Manders have with Oswald's perception of marriage?
10. What is the difference in opinion between Torvald and Nora about borrowing money?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
In the climax of HEDDA GABLER, she shoots herself in the temple with her father's pistol. What reversals in Act 4 lead her to this final act? What characters directly contribute to her decision? Is Hedda's suicide a final, courageous declaration of freedom, or has she been left no other choice because of her restrictive, stifling life? Is her suicide an admission of defeat? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 2
Describe Nora's transformation throughout A DOLL'S HOUSE. Where does she first start to change? What is the final straw in her awakening? How does Torvald bring about his own fate? Has Nora learned anything about morality throughout the play? How does she use her newfound knowledge? Does her learned morality play a part in her decision to leave?
Essay Topic 3
Examine Solness' death in THE MASTER BUILDER. Is his death the will of God? The foolish accident of a young man trying to impress a girl? Does he commit suicide, unable to atone for or reconcile with his many selfish, cruel choices? What role does Hilde play in Solness' death? What role does Aline play in Solness' death?
This section contains 629 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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