Four Major Plays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Four Major Plays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why won't Hedda go with Tesman to Aunt Julle's?
(a) Hedda is expecting a visit from her father.
(b) Hedda is too upset to leave the house.
(c) Hedda wants to be completely free of darkness and death.
(d) Hedda cannot bear to watch her beloved aunt die.

2. How long was Hedda and Jorgen's honeymoon?
(a) Two weeks.
(b) Six months.
(c) Three days.
(d) One year.

3. What member of Tesman's family has passed away at the beginning of Act 4?
(a) Aunt Julle.
(b) Aunt Rina.
(c) Hedda.
(d) Mr. Brack.

4. Why does Lovborg say that Mrs. Elvsted is a good companion?
(a) She has the courage to act.
(b) She is extremely intelligent and thoughtful.
(c) She is beautiful to look at.
(d) She has a lovely singing voice.

5. What papers is Solness flipping through?
(a) He is looking at bills.
(b) He is looking at letters from Aline.
(c) He is looking at old photographs.
(d) He is looking at Ragnar's drawings.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Hedda's father's career?

2. What gift does Hedda give Mr. Lovborg?

3. What does Hedda finally do with the manuscript?

4. What has Solness promised Hilde?

5. What object did Aunt Julle purchase to impress Hedda?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Hedda admit she wants control of?

2. Why is Ejlert unable to return Mrs. Elvsted's love sufficiently?

3. How does Hedda convince Lovborg to go to the party?

4. What are the factors that, combined, mean such despair for Hedda that she must end her life?

5. How did Solness and Aline's children die?

6. Why is Solness afraid of youth?

7. Why does Hedda burn the manuscript?

8. Ultimately, why does Solness finally grant Ragnar's request?

9. What does Mr. Brack hint will soon keep Hedda busy, fulfilling her life and abating her incurable boredom?

10. Why does Hedda tell Tesman she burned the manuscript?

(see the answer keys)

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