Four Major Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Four Major Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what does Nora compare her and Torvald's life?
(a) She compares their lives to Dr. Rank's death.
(b) She compares their lives to the bank.
(c) She compares their marriage and home to a doll house.
(d) She compares their marriage and home to Krogstad's tragedy.

2. What is Torvald unwilling to sacrifice, but Nora claims that thousands of women have to?
(a) He is unwilling to sacrifice his money.
(b) He is unwilling to sacrifice his honor.
(c) He is unwilling to sacrifice his house.
(d) He is unwilling to sacrifice his reputation.

3. What have Pastor Manders and Mrs. Alving been building?
(a) A hotel for seamen.
(b) A Russian teahouse.
(c) A public library.
(d) An orphanage.

4. What daily responsibility does Nora have trouble managing, according to Torvald?
(a) She cannot manage money.
(b) She cannot manage the horses.
(c) She cannot manage the kitchen.
(d) She cannot manage the children.

5. Who does Torvald think loaned Nora the money to go south?
(a) Dr. Rank.
(b) Mr. Krogstad.
(c) Kristine.
(d) Her father.

6. To whom did Mrs. Alving run when her married life became unbearable?
(a) She went to Engstrand.
(b) She went to her mother.
(c) She went to Pastor Manders.
(d) She went to Oswald.

7. What suggestion does Torvald give Mrs. Linde?
(a) He suggests she take up embroidery instead of knitting.
(b) He suggests she fix her hair in a more attractive way, like Nora's hair.
(c) He suggests she end her relationship with Nora.
(d) He suggests she end her relationship with Krogstad.

8. What is Engstrand's business idea?
(a) He wants to build a city park.
(b) He wants to open a seafood restaurant.
(c) He wants to build an orphanage.
(d) He wants to open a hotel for seamen.

9. Whose assistance will Oswald need if his illness progresses?
(a) He will need Engstrand's assistance.
(b) He will need Mrs. Alving's assistance.
(c) He will need Regine's assistance.
(d) He will need Pastor Manders' assistance.

10. What did Oswald go abroad to become?
(a) A doctor.
(b) A farmhand.
(c) A pastor.
(d) An artist.

11. What childhood memory does Oswald share about his father?
(a) He remembers the first cobbling.
(b) He remembers the first book he read.
(c) He remembers the first time plowing the fields.
(d) He remembers the first time he smoked a pipe.

12. What card does Torvald receive from Dr. Rank?
(a) He receives a wedding invitation with a red heart.
(b) He receives a birthday invitation for the next week.
(c) He receives a calling card with a black cross.
(d) He receives a congratulations for the new baby.

13. Why did Engstrand claim Regine as his own child?
(a) He was paid very well to keep her real father a secret.
(b) He was fooled by his wife and has no idea he is not Regine's real father.
(c) He felt sorry for the unborn baby and took the blame on himself.
(d) He desperately wanted a child and circumstances worked in his favor.

14. In the past year, what did Nora do two weeks before Christmas?
(a) Nora shut herself in and made paper decoration.
(b) Nora cleaned the house top to bottom.
(c) Nora slaved over pies and candy in the kitchen.
(d) Nora took a trip to Milan to shop.

15. What is Nora's costume for the party?
(a) An American Indian.
(b) A Neapolitan fisher lass.
(c) An Arabian serving maid.
(d) An English princess.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Oswald's illness?

2. What feelings does Dr. Rank confess to Nora?

3. What does Nora tell Dr. Rank is her "big secret"?

4. What does Dr. Rank plan to send to Nora to alert her of his final descent?

5. What does Oswald think will happen to any attempted memorial of his father?

(see the answer keys)

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