The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the topic of conversation Rene chooses in Part 3, Chapter 3?
(a) Chichi.
(b) Julio.
(c) The war.
(d) His family's history.

2. Where are the cannons installed in Part 2, Chapter 6?
(a) In the garden.
(b) On wagons.
(c) On top of Marcelo's castle.
(d) In Marcelo's bedroom.

3. What does Marcelo make a big deal about in Part 3, Chapter 2?
(a) Argensola's paintings.
(b) Argensola's furniture.
(c) Julio's paintings.
(d) Julio's uniform.

4. How does Marcelo obtain food in Part 2, Chapter 6?
(a) Trades his daughter's virtue for food.
(b) Kills a German soldier and steals his food.
(c) Exchanges gold for food with the German soldiers.
(d) Begs the German soldiers.

5. Who arrives and requests to speak to Marcelo in Part 2, Chapter 5?
(a) The Count.
(b) The Keeper.
(c) Otto von Hartrott.
(d) The General.

6. Who is the soldier that visits Marcelo at the end of Part 2, Chapter 6?
(a) Julio.
(b) Otto von Hartrott.
(c) Rene.
(d) Marguerite's husband.

7. Why does the atmosphere change near the end of Part 3, Chapter 3?
(a) Enemy begins to fire.
(b) Julio and Marcelo begin to argue.
(c) Julio gets shot.
(d) A woman walks by.

8. Why does Marcelo go to Julio's studio in Part 3, Chapter 2?
(a) To pack Julio's things.
(b) To be close to Julio's things.
(c) Because Luisa kicks him out of their house.
(d) To pay the rent.

9. Who offers to arrange for Marcelo to visit Julio?
(a) Otto von Hartrott.
(b) Senator Lacour.
(c) Chichi.
(d) Julio.

10. Who does Julio believe was wounded in the war when he learns about Marguerite's situation?
(a) Marcelo.
(b) Her husband.
(c) Marguerite herself.
(d) Her brother.

11. What does Luisa explicitly wish near the end of Part 3, Chapter 5?
(a) That she had never met Marcelo.
(b) That Julio had not died.
(c) That they had never moved to Paris.
(d) That her father was still alive.

12. What are Marcelo, Luisa, Chichi, and Rene searching for at the beginning of Part 3, Chapter 5?
(a) Julio's grave.
(b) Julio's illegitimate child.
(c) Julio's paintings.
(d) Julio.

13. What turns the tide of the war and helps Paris escape certain invasion?
(a) Battle of the Rhine.
(b) Battle of the Marne.
(c) Battle of the Arc de Triomphe.
(d) Marcelo's ordeal with the Germans at his castle.

14. How does Marcelo feel as he leaves his castle?
(a) Relieved that he is still alive.
(b) Happy it is still standing.
(c) Unsure if he can ever return.
(d) Eager to visit his son.

15. How does Argensola feel about his dinners with Marcelo?
(a) Finds them fascinating.
(b) Marcelo never invites Argensola to dinner.
(c) Finds them boring.
(d) Finds them informative.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part 3, Chapter 3, what does Marcelo realize about his son?

2. What makes it difficult to locate what the party is searching for in Part 3, Chapter 5?

3. Who does Marcelo see downtown in Part 3, Chapter 2?

4. What does Marcelo do to the first French officer he sees in Part 2, Chapter 6?

5. Who has been sleeping in Marcelo's room in Part 2, Chapter 5?

(see the answer keys)

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