The Fountainhead Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Fountainhead Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the irony of Roark's going to see Wynand about designing his house?
(a) Wynand's newspaper attacked Roark and Wynand has taken Dominique away.
(b) It is the only way Roark can now even see Dominique.
(c) Roark likes Wynand but hates his newspaper.
(d) Roark is now prepared to compromise his principles.

2. In his own defense, how does Roark contrast himself as a creator with those who preach selflessness?
(a) He says a creator's work pushes man forward while the others are parasites.
(b) He says his position is wrong and he is sorry.
(c) He says selflessness encourages creativity as a group effort.
(d) He sees that he cannot win and throws himself on the mercy of the court.

3. Why does the new drama critic at the "Banner" promote Ike's new play that everyone says is bad?
(a) He wants to make Toohey look stupid.
(b) He feels sorry for Ike and wants to help him.
(c) He wants people to think it is good because he said so.
(d) He really knows nothing about being a drama critic.

4. Why, according to Roark, was Peter destroyed?
(a) Because he helped Peter.
(b) Because he refused to listen to Toohey.
(c) Because he caused Heyer's death.
(d) Because he married Dominique when he did not love her.

5. How does Toohey react when Wynand forbids any mention of Roark in the "Banner"?
(a) Toohey goes into a rage.
(b) Toohey smiles.
(c) Toohey plans to write a book attacking Roark.
(d) Toohey goes out and gets drunk.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why has Toohey orchestrated attacks on the "Banner"?

2. How does Toohey make his move to take over the "Banner"?

3. What does Roark discover about Cortlandt Homes when he returns for the sailing trip with Wynand?

4. What is Roark's commission at the end of the novel?

5. What is the main feature of Roark's design for Monadnock Vacation village?

Short Essay Questions

1. Contrast Peter's situation when he goes to get help once again with Roark's willingness to take on the Cortlandt Homes project.

2. In spite of his socialist tutoring from Toohey, Peter retains some sense of "I." How does Rand use Dominique to illustrate that point?

3. Wynand begins to find some inner peace from visiting the building site of his new house. Discuss the reasons for this change in Wynand.

4. How does Rand use the conversation between Wynand and Roark on board the yacht to express her views on socialism?

5. Toohey seems to be gaining the upper hand in his quest to take over the "Banner." What is the significance of the public turning against Wynand's publication?

6. Discuss how Roark's Monadnock Valley Resort is in opposition to everything Toohey stands for.

7. How does Roark's self defense at his trial sum up Rand's statement about the value of the individual over socialism?

8. On board the yacht, how does Rand use the setting to voice her opposition to socialism?

9. Toohey works hard to see that Roark is convicted. Why is he so intent on that outcome?

10. When Wynand presents Dominique with a diamond necklace, they have two different takes on where the money came from to pay for it. What were those points of view and what did each one mean?

(see the answer keys)

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