The Fountainhead Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fountainhead Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jimmy Gowans want Roark to design and build for him?
(a) A hotel
(b) An office building
(c) A house like Heller's
(d) A gas station

2. Why does Roark return to New York?
(a) Roger Enright wants him to design his new house.
(b) The quarry runs out of usable stone.
(c) Roark and Mike have a disagreement over Dominique.
(d) Roark fears Dominique may charge him with rape.

3. Why does Peter want Roark to abandon his plan to open his own firm?
(a) Peter thinks Roark will no longer have time to help him with his designs.
(b) Peter knows the value of Roark's work and fears the competition.
(c) Peter knows that Roark will fail and wants to save him.
(d) Peter really wants to be partners with Roark.

4. What happens to the sculptor Mallory?
(a) He receives a suspended sentence.
(b) He goes to prison for twenty years.
(c) He skips out on his bail.
(d) He is sentenced to die.

5. When the Heller house is finished, how is it received?
(a) Everyone now wants houses designed by Roark.
(b) It gets rave reviews from Ellsworth Toohey.
(c) Peter Keating wants to design houses just like it.
(d) It is either ignored or ridiculed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Roark's attitude after being expelled from school?

2. What does Dominique want to do to Roark?

3. Why does Peter Keating offer to do Davis' work after hours?

4. When Peter suspects a man has changed Dominique, what does she tell him?

5. What does Peter think of Roark's design for the Enright house?

Short Essay Questions

1. Dominique writes that the Enright house is a "mockery to all the structures of the city." Most people believe that she is panning the building. What is her real meaning?

2. Discuss Dominique's idea that beautiful things should not exist in the real world.

3. Discuss Roark's idea that architectural form should follow function.

4. Dominique and Roark meet as strangers without names. Like the moth to the flame, Dominique is drawn back again and again to watch Roark at the quarry. Discuss the significance of Roark's domination of Dominique.

5. Even after Dominique gives testimony that should have swayed the jury, Stoddard wins the lawsuit. Gail Wynand cables the "Banner" to fire Dominique. What is the significance of Dominique's reaction to being fired?

6. After being fired from her job, Dominique begins a series of self-punishments. How does Peter Keating come into this picture?

7. In 1892, Henry Cameron was the most promising architect of his day, having introduced the idea of the skyscraper. One year later, the popular classical designs of the Columbian Exposition of Chicago ruined Cameron's career. How does Ayn Rand use this to introduce the ideas of individualism versus socialistic dogma?

8. Both Dominique and Toohey want to destroy Roark's career. Contrast their reasons for wanting to do so.

9. Discuss how Rand accuses critics of distorting reality when Peter finally meets Toohey.

10. Discuss the irony of Peter going to Roark for help with his Cosmo-Slotnik competition design.

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