The Fountainhead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fountainhead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Dominique get her information to write an article about the slums?
(a) She has a photographer go and take pictures of the slums.
(b) She interviews people who once lived in the slums.
(c) She confronts the owners of the slums.
(d) She goes to live in the slums.

2. Why does Peter want Roark to abandon his plan to open his own firm?
(a) Peter knows that Roark will fail and wants to save him.
(b) Peter thinks Roark will no longer have time to help him with his designs.
(c) Peter really wants to be partners with Roark.
(d) Peter knows the value of Roark's work and fears the competition.

3. Why does the Dean consider Roark to be insubordinate?
(a) Roark prefers swimming to paying attention in class.
(b) Roark refuses to accept only the classical styles that the school teaches.
(c) He thinks Roark's buildings are unsafe.
(d) He fears that Roark might get his job.

4. What does Peter learn from Francon?
(a) The need to avoid Ellsworth Toomey
(b) The social skills needed for success
(c) How to improve his designs
(d) How to become an independent thinker

5. Where does Dominique spend her wedding night?
(a) In Peter's apartment.
(b) In Connecticut.
(c) With Roark.
(d) In the Aquitania Hotel.

6. What comment does Roark make to Dominique about his work in the Quarry?
(a) It is the only thing he knows how to do.
(b) It is exhausting.
(c) It is exciting.
(d) It helps build up his body.

7. What happens to the sculptor Mallory?
(a) He receives a suspended sentence.
(b) He goes to prison for twenty years.
(c) He skips out on his bail.
(d) He is sentenced to die.

8. What happened to the Sanford house after it was completed?
(a) It became the standard for all other new homes.
(b) It got high praise from the Architect's Guild of America.
(c) Mrs. Sanford refused to live in it.
(d) Mrs. Sanford changed it to look like other houses.

9. What best describes Peter's proposal to Katie?
(a) It is lukewarm and emotionless.
(b) It is romantic and exciting.
(c) It is to get back at Dominique Francon.
(d) It is his only way to get close to Ellsworth Toomey.

10. How is it clear that Peter knows Dominique is in love with another man?
(a) She refuses to sleep with him.
(b) He asks her who it is.
(c) He accuses her of loving Howard Roark.
(d) She refuses to move into his apartment.

11. How does Dominique react when Toohey accuses her of being in love with Roark?
(a) She does not react.
(b) She laughs.
(c) She tells him to mind his own business.
(d) She is insensed.

12. What is the irony of Heyer's death?
(a) Peter decides to use his wealth to open his own firm.
(b) Peter not only becomes a partner, he inherits Heyer's fortune.
(c) Francon decides he does not need a partner after all.
(d) A clause in Heyer's will lets Peter inherit only if he does not become a partner.

13. What do people say about Roark's work after the opening of the Enright house?
(a) It is a work of genius.
(b) It is an improvement over the classical style.
(c) It is the new direction all architecture will follow.
(d) It is cold and inhuman.

14. How was Roark able to reopen his architecture business?
(a) Dominique secretly supported him.
(b) He inherited money from Heyer.
(c) He got the Enright contract.
(d) Peter loaned him the money.

15. Why does Francon contact Roark on the design of a new building?
(a) Peter is out of town and does not want the job.
(b) Francon knows Roark will compromise with his ideas of classicism.
(c) Francon secretly admires Roark's independent ideas.
(d) The client rejected all of the designs Francon presented to them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Toohey call the "Unfinished Symphony"?

2. What is Roark's attitude after being expelled from school?

3. What does Roark do to help Peter?

4. How does Dominique contrive to get Roark to her father's house in Connecticut?

5. What spoils Peter's joy at winning the "most beautiful building" contest?

(see the answer keys)

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