Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation Test | Final Test - Easy

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation Test | Final Test - Easy

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Benjamin Franklin leave George Washington in his will?
(a) His newspaper.
(b) A beloved dog.
(c) Over one million dollars.
(d) A crab-tree walking stick.

2. Which states included a law in their state constitutions that made slavery illegal?
(a) Vermont and New Hampshire.
(b) Vermont and Maine.
(c) Texas and Alabama.
(d) Virginia and New Jersey.

3. When George Washington wrote to the Cherokee Nation, what did he recommend that they do?
(a) Move to Mexico.
(b) Marry white people.
(c) Give up their hunting lifestyle and embrace farming as a way of life.
(d) Move further west.

4. What suggestion did George Washington want in the Farewell Address, but Hamilton talked him out of?
(a) Establishment of the Internal Revenue Service.
(b) National health care.
(c) Establishment of a national university in the capital city.
(d) Establishment of a large obelisk as a monument to him in the capital city.

5. In the author's opinion, what was the direct result of the House's refusal to deal with the subject of slavery in 1790?
(a) The Whiskey Rebellion.
(b) The Civil War.
(c) The Boston Massacre.
(d) World War I.

6. How was the American republic viewed by the English and French governments at this time?
(a) A major danger to their way of life.
(b) Minor distraction.
(c) The most important country in the world.
(d) An equal and respected country.

7. What was the religious preference of the delegations that presented the petitions?
(a) Quaker.
(b) Buddhist.
(c) Catholic.
(d) Atheist.

8. Which two Representatives reacted first to this petition?
(a) Ben Franklin and James Madison.
(b) Raymond Burr and Michael Jackson.
(c) Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr.
(d) James Jackson and William Loughton Smith.

9. What did Representative Jackson base his pro-slavery position upon?
(a) The Koran.
(b) His father's teachings.
(c) The Bible and ministers from Georgia.
(d) Documents developed by research at the University of Virginia.

10. How many years did George Washington lead the country?
(a) Fifty.
(b) Ten.
(c) Two.
(d) Twenty.

11. Which state, at the time of the debate, had the largest free-black population?
(a) Virginia.
(b) Georgia.
(c) South Carolina.
(d) New York.

12. What political parties existed for the nation?
(a) Democrats and Republicans.
(b) Green and Indpendent.
(c) Federalists and Republicans.
(d) Whigs and Tories.

13. What did Madison propose to do about the issue?
(a) Debate it in the House.
(b) Pass it to the Senate.
(c) Forward it to a committee where it would fade from the public attention.
(d) Approve it.

14. How many new slaves were in the USA between the time of the Declaration of Independence and the census of 1790?
(a) 200,000.
(b) 500,000.
(c) 300,000.
(d) 15.

15. How was Jay's Treaty received in the public?
(a) It was met with strong objections.
(b) It was met with huge approval.
(c) It was passed without comment.
(d) It was ignored.

Short Answer Questions

1. What acts are considered to be the worst blunders of the John Adams presidency?

2. What famous American endorsed this petition?

3. When did George Washington leave office?

4. In his Farewell Address and subsequent speeches to Congress before his retirement, what was George Washington's statement on slavery?

5. Representative Elbridge Gerry proposed that the slave owners be compensated for their slaves by purchasing them for a set amount. What was this amount?

(see the answer keys)

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