Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 1.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did John Adams see as the paradox facing the new republic?
(a) The new title of the republic versus its goals.
(b) Legislating for 20 or 30 states, when all of the known legislative history had been for just one state.
(c) Tories versus Whigs.
(d) The needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few.

2. Before the duel, how many years did the two men, Hamilton and Burr, have animosity between them?
(a) One year.
(b) Fifty years.
(c) Two Years.
(d) Fifteen years.

3. What, in the author's opinion, is the main mystery about the duel?
(a) Whether either man fired their shots with the intent to kill.
(b) The exact location of the duel.
(c) Who was present at the duel.
(d) Who was the winner of the duel.

4. According to the author, how did the creation of a separate American nation occur?
(a) Suddenly rather than gradually.
(b) Over a period of 200 years.
(c) With the approval of the British rules.
(d) Gradually rather than suddenly.

5. According to the author, whose version of the duel outcome has persevered through history?
(a) New York Times version.
(b) Hamilton's followers and family.
(c) Burr's followers and family.
(d) Jefferon's eyewitness account.

Short Answer Questions

1. Burr was blocked by Hamilton in his quest to be come the American minister to what country?

2. What is the Code Duello?

3. Why was there a dispute about who won the 1800 Presidential Election?

4. Who makes history?

5. What was Thomas Paine referring to when he said an island could not rule a continent?

(see the answer key)

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