Foundation and Earth Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Foundation and Earth Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the second difference Trevize notes between the planet and other planets?
(a) It has an elongated orbit.
(b) It has two suns.
(c) It is covered in desert.
(d) It is surrounded by pink clouds.

2. Why is Bander referred to as "it"?
(a) Trevize insults Bander by calling him "it."
(b) Bander is a robot.
(c) Bander is part male and part female.
(d) Bander will not reveal his or her gender.

3. What does Pelorat compare Trevize's exploration of three planets to?
(a) three monkeys
(b) three wishes
(c) three goddesses
(d) three brothers

4. What is Bliss afraid of, if she reveals the truth about Bander's death?
(a) Pelorat's reaction
(b) Fallom's reaction
(c) Trevize's reaction
(d) being arrested

5. What does Trevize discover about the planet they are seeking?
(a) It is too small to support life.
(b) It has gone off its orbit.
(c) It is superheated.
(d) It has little atmosphere.

Short Answer Questions

1. What leads Bliss to Fallom?

2. How does Trevize know Bander is dead?

3. What does Trevize accidentally break off the statue?

4. What covers Hiroko's doorway?

5. How was the island on Alpha formed?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Bliss annoyed with Trevize for setting off the computer's alarm?

2. How does Trevize react when the ship's controls are taken over as they approach the moon?

3. What does Pelorat promise Fallom if Fallom will lead the travelers out of Bander's estate?

4. Describe Trevize and Pelorat's important discovery on Melpomenia.

5. What is Trevize's reasoning for continuing to search for information about Earth, now that he's found the planet and sees that it's radioactive?

6. What makes the rays of the sun deadly on Melpomenia?

7. How does Trevize feel about Solaria?

8. How does Trevize feel about Fallom?

9. Why can't Fallom accompany the travelers onto the planet?

10. What does Trevize wish he could do when he finds the Earth is radioactive?

(see the answer keys)

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