Foucault's Pendulum Test | Final Test - Easy

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Foucault's Pendulum Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Belbo thinks that Nazis were a branch of what?
(a) Jesuits.
(b) Zionists.
(c) Neo-Templars.
(d) Rosicrucians.

2. How does Casaubon feel about the items he sees in the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers?
(a) He suspects a dark, occult purpose for each one.
(b) He wonders if their makers were involved in occult activities.
(c) He wonders why people are so interested in old machinery.
(d) He hardly takes notice of them.

3. What is Salon's profession?
(a) Taxidermist.
(b) Etymologist.
(c) Undertaker.
(d) Tanner.

4. What was Diotallevi's reasoning for the advice he gave to Casaubon and Belbo before he left for treatment?
(a) He believes his involvement in the Plan contributed to his health problems.
(b) He received information that made him believe they were in imminent danger.
(c) He is afraid they will be apprehended when he is not there to help them.
(d) He didn't want Casaubon and Belbo to know that he was going to be researching in secret while he was away.

5. To what country does Casaubon travel to visit a Templar temple?
(a) Portugal.
(b) Russia.
(c) France.
(d) Brazil.

6. Why does Casaubon choose to enter seemingly meaningless information into Abulafia?
(a) To test the theory that all information is truly interconnected.
(b) To see if the computer's calculations are accurate.
(c) To throw pursuers off their trail.
(d) To see if the computer can differentiate between significant and meaningless data.

7. Which of these is a conclusion of Belbo's that Casaubon finds important?
(a) John Dee associated himself with a mysterious woman named Kelly.
(b) Francis Bacon is also the Viscount St. Albans.
(c) Belbo, Casaubon and Diotallevi are indirect descendants of members of the Knights Templar.
(d) Queen Elizabeth was involved in the formation and maintenance of the Templar society.

8. The Tzarist agent was central in creating what?
(a) The underground communication system of the Templars.
(b) The Russian branch of the Rosicrucians.
(c) The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
(d) The branch of the Templars which protected the Tzar and his closest advisors.

9. How many group members are ordered into the room by the leader of the ceremony?
(a) 16.
(b) 42.
(c) 36.
(d) 24.

10. Why does the mysterious caller ask Belbo to go to Paris?
(a) To give a lecture at the Conservatoire.
(b) To create a new secret society.
(c) To divulge the secret map.
(d) To visit the dying Diotallevi.

11. The Old Man in the Mountain is the leader of what group?
(a) The Assassins.
(b) The Muslim Society.
(c) The Jewish Templars.
(d) The Diabolicals.

12. After his initiation, Napoleon attempts to seek out a group of Templars in what country?
(a) France.
(b) Russia.
(c) Egypt.
(d) England.

13. Who invited Postel to leave the Templars and join another group, according to Casaubon?
(a) Francis Bacon.
(b) Loyola.
(c) John Dee.
(d) Queen Elizabeth.

14. What is Aglie's response to the group Casaubon adds to the list?
(a) He has never heard of it, and wants to know more.
(b) He is embarrassed, knowing that Casaubon has caught him lying about his esoteric knowledge.
(c) He doesn't know anything about them, but tries to bluff and claim that he does.
(d) He becomes angry, thinking Casaubon is trying to trick him.

15. What does Casaubon discover, when reading the files he prints out from Belbo's computer?
(a) Belbo has begun to actually believe that the Plan is true.
(b) Belbo has taken all of the credit for the work done by all three of them.
(c) Belbo has woven the connections they discovered into a fictional account.
(d) Belbo knew that he was going to be murdered, and did nothing to stop it.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Casaubon go to inquire about Aglie in Chapter 112?

2. What does Casaubon think John Dee's motivations were?

3. According to Casaubon's conclusions after talking to Salon, what role do the Jews play in the Templar conspiracy?

4. What does the computer's output suggest about the crucifixion of Christ?

5. According to Salon, what group actually has no involvement in the underground tunnels?

(see the answer keys)

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