Foucault's Pendulum Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Foucault's Pendulum Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What accusation begins the confrontation at Aglie's house?
(a) One man accuses the other of taking more than his share of the profits from their ventures.
(b) One man accuses the other of summoning a demon to oppress him at his home.
(c) One man accuses the other of plotting to kill him.
(d) One man accuses the other of being a false prophet, and insincere in his devotion to their faith.

2. In what year were the Knights Templar arrested?
(a) 1422.
(b) 1156.
(c) 1307.
(d) 804.

3. Belbo claims he is being chased by whom?
(a) The Knights Templar.
(b) The French military.
(c) The Vatican police.
(d) The Rosicrucians.

4. What word does Casaubon finally use to unlock Belbo's computer?
(a) "Lorenza."
(b) "YHWH."
(c) "IAVEH."
(d) "No."

5. What is Agartha?
(a) The home of the masters of the world.
(b) The underground system of electrical and magnetic energy.
(c) The Rosicrucians' idea of heaven.
(d) The place where all of the telluric currents meet.

6. Casaubon's neighbor suggests that there is something mysterious about what?
(a) The Italian canal systems.
(b) The Parisian sewer system.
(c) The German aluminum mines.
(d) The placement of England's grandest cathedrals.

7. What is the name of Casaubon's Milanese neighbor?
(a) Aglie.
(b) Salon.
(c) Lorenza.
(d) Comte.

8. Who is the narrator of the novel?
(a) Belbo.
(b) Lorenza.
(c) Casaubon.
(d) Diotallevi.

9. Why does Casaubon move?
(a) To study abroad for his Master's degree.
(b) To escape.
(c) To be closer to his family.
(d) To live with his girlfriend.

10. What is Aglie's response when he is asked why he is so interested in the occult?
(a) None of the traditions he has found so far have given him the answers he seeks.
(b) He finds the orgiastic nature of mystery and occult traditions fascinating.
(c) He wants to learn as much as he can about various traditions in hopes that he will find his version of the truth.
(d) The best way to find a true initiate is to associate oneself with those searching for truth.

11. What happens to Colonel Ardenti in Chapter 24?
(a) He is publicly ostracized after the publication of his book, and goes mad.
(b) He is murdered.
(c) He is taken prisoner by a mysterious group.
(d) He dies of a heart attack.

12. The Knights Templar fought to protect the Holy Land from what?
(a) Protestants.
(b) Satanists.
(c) Pagans.
(d) Muslims.

13. How does Casaubon's relationship with Amparo end?
(a) She cuts off contact with him because she is afraid of the people that are pursuing him because of his research.
(b) Amparo is murdered.
(c) Amparo becomes fed up with the amount of time Casaubon spends on his research, and leaves him.
(d) She goes to stay with friends, and never returns.

14. Lorenza claims, in Chapter 49, that Aglie gave her what item?
(a) A chalice.
(b) An old and valuable text.
(c) An elixir.
(d) A piece of parchment.

15. Who checked out the book Casaubon was looking for at the library?
(a) De Angelis.
(b) Belbo.
(c) Lorenza.
(d) Salon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What job does Casaubon get in Chapter 37?

2. Why does Belbo want Casaubon to meet Mr. Garamond, in Chapter 37?

3. Where is Casaubon when he runs into his neighbor from Milan?

4. Where is Agartha located?

5. What did the other two men present at the meeting call Aglie?

(see the answer keys)

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