Foster Test | Final Test - Easy

Claire Keegan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Foster Test | Final Test - Easy

Claire Keegan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the narrator and Mrs. Kinsella scrub the mattress?
(a) Vinegar, baking soda, and hot water.
(b) Bleach and hot water.
(c) Detergent and hot water.
(d) Vinegar and hot water.

2. How much oilcloth does Mrs. Kinsella buy at the draper's?
(a) 4 yards.
(b) 6 yards.
(c) 5 yards.
(d) 3 yards.

3. After cleaning the mattress in Chapter 3, what does Mrs. Kinsella decide they need for breakfast?
(a) Ham and eggs.
(b) Rashers.
(c) Oatmeal.
(d) Bread pudding.

4. What is the narrator wearing at the beginning of Chapter 5?
(a) Navy-blue trousers and a plaid shirt.
(b) Navy-blue trousers and a blue shirt.
(c) Brown trousers and a yellow shirt.
(d) Brown trousers and a white shirt.

5. When the narrator comes down after being put to bed, how many macaroons does she eat in Chapter 4?
(a) A dozen.
(b) A half dozen.
(c) 8.
(d) 3.

6. In Chapter 3, what do Mrs. Kinsella and the narrator make that has to be kept cold?
(a) Cream.
(b) Butter.
(c) Ice cubes.
(d) Ice cream.

7. In Gorey in Chapter 5, what does the narrator buy from the sweet store?
(a) Dairy milk bar.
(b) Black Jacks.
(c) Hard gums.
(d) Clove rocks.

8. In Chapter 5, whose grave does Mr. Kinsella have to help dig?
(a) Jonathan's.
(b) William's.
(c) Andrew's.
(d) Michael's.

9. What color dress does Mrs. Kinsella buy the narrator?
(a) Lilac.
(b) Yellow.
(c) Pink.
(d) Mauve.

10. In Chapter 5, where does the narrator find Mrs. Kinsella crying?
(a) On the landing looking out a window.
(b) By the chest of drawers in the bedroom where the narrator is sleeping.
(c) In the couple's bedroom.
(d) In the bathroom.

11. What toy looks like it is shivering in Gorey?
(a) Dog.
(b) Rabbit.
(c) Dolphin.
(d) Cat.

12. In Chapter 4, where do the narrator and Mrs. Kinsella weed?
(a) Around the front walk.
(b) Around the front steps.
(c) Garden.
(d) Flower beds.

13. How are men digging ice cream out of tubs in Gorey?
(a) With enamel cups.
(b) With metal spoons.
(c) With metal scoops.
(d) With plastic spoons.

14. What does the card look like that the narrator picks out for her mother's birthday?
(a) Dog sitting in a field.
(b) Bouquet of roses.
(c) Bouquet of daisies and tulips.
(d) Cat sitting in front of a bed of dahlias.

15. What do Mrs. Kinsella and the narrator dig in Chapter 3?
(a) New potatoes.
(b) Carrots.
(c) Onions.
(d) Radishes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Mr. Kinsella take the narrator after the wake in Chapter 5?

2. What type of shoes does Mrs. Kinsella buy the narrator?

3. What does Mr. Kinsella suggest that the narrator do before they go to town in Chapter 5?

4. What color trousers does Mrs. Kinsella buy the narrator?

5. What does Mr. Kinsella tell the narrator that women have a gift for?

(see the answer keys)

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