For Whom the Bell Tolls Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

For Whom the Bell Tolls Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When asked, Robert Jordan tells Maria that politically he can be defined as this.
(a) an anti-fascist
(b) a Republican
(c) an anarchist
(d) a communist

2. Where should Andres bring the horses if he hears gunfire?
(a) through the woods, behind the gap
(b) toward the mountains
(c) keep them at the camp
(d) three miles south

3. Where will Robert Jordan suggest his group go to run raids?
(a) Venezuela
(b) Gredos
(c) America
(d) Peru

4. What does Robert Jordan see on one of the saddles of the cavalry?
(a) ammunition
(b) letters
(c) a pistol
(d) Sordo's rifle

5. Who does Robert Jordan ask to catch the horse?
(a) Primivito
(b) Pablo
(c) Andres
(d) Agustin

6. Which character hesitates when the group discusses killing Pablo?
(a) Fernando
(b) Robert Jordan
(c) Maria
(d) the gypsy

7. What emotion does Pilar tell Fernando has ruined her husband's once courageous spirit?
(a) pride
(b) love
(c) hate
(d) fear

8. What is the name of the man who is waiting faithfully at his post to be relieved?
(a) Pablo
(b) Fernando
(c) Anselmo
(d) Sordo

9. Who visited the camp while Robert Jordan was with Anselmo?
(a) Maria
(b) Fernando
(c) Sordo
(d) the fascists

10. Maria has read in the fascist newspapers that there are hundreds of thousands of Russians in this city.
(a) Madrid
(b) Barcelona
(c) Rhoda
(d) Valencia

11. What do Robert Jordan and Primivito watch returning from Sordo's?
(a) the cavalry
(b) Pablo
(c) high ranking officers
(d) the fascist footmen

12. If not death, what does the gypsy suggest the group do to Pablo to control him?
(a) blind Pablo
(b) cripple Pablo
(c) drug Pablo
(d) kidnap Pablo

13. What does Robert Jordan hear as he is thinking of Sordo and wondering what is happening to him and his men?
(a) Pablo's horse returning
(b) Pilar crying
(c) approaching planes
(d) the gunfire at Sordos

14. What patrol do the three planes that fly in V formation belong to?
(a) Pablo's band
(b) the guerillas
(c) the fascist patrol
(d) Anselmo

15. What is the sole enterprise that can win the war?
(a) the sawmill
(b) propganda
(c) the cavalry
(d) the bridge

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Pablo's wife?

2. Anselmo cannot write so Robert Jordan suggests that he do this instead to indicate enemy movement.

3. What does Pablo dress as when he arrives?

4. Who is Pilar jealous of?

5. What does Robert Jordan believe in regarding government?

(see the answer keys)

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