Fortunate Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lewis Burwell Puller Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fortunate Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lewis Burwell Puller Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 3, what does Lewis ask Toddy to send him?
(a) A water poncho.
(b) Canned food.
(c) A photograph.
(d) Paper and pens.

2. Why is the platoon's mission into the DMZ compromised?
(a) Corporal Watson steps on a land mine.
(b) A forbidden campfire alerts the Vietcong to the platoon's position.
(c) Lewis loses radio contact with Captain Woods.
(d) There is a delay due to Corporal Hitch's heat exhaustion.

3. Who is invited to live with Toddy and Lewis while her husband is recovering from surgery?
(a) Kathy Barents.
(b) Linda Cabot.
(c) Martha Barents.
(d) Linda Zier.

4. What college does Lewis attend?
(a) George Washinton University.
(b) Princeton.
(c) William and Mary.
(d) Harvard.

5. What bad habit does Lewis resume soon after arriving in Vietnam?
(a) Smoking.
(b) Drinking.
(c) Cursing.
(d) Philandering.

6. For what honor is Bob Kerrey nominated in Chapter 5?
(a) The Legion of Merit.
(b) The Silver Star.
(c) The Purple Heart.
(d) The Medal of Honor.

7. What was Martha's first response upon seeing Lewis?
(a) To pray silently for his death.
(b) To cry.
(c) To faint.
(d) To hug him.

8. What position does Lewis desire in the military?
(a) Combat engineer.
(b) Artillery officer.
(c) Combat platoon leader.
(d) Judge Advocate.

9. What lesson does Lewis learn the day his eye is blackened?
(a) Boys do not cry in front of grown men.
(b) Always watch where you step.
(c) Watch your front and trust that others will have your back.
(d) Be sure of your target and of what is beyond it.

10. Where is Camp 413 located?
(a) North of Hanoi.
(b) East of Seoul.
(c) Outside Da Nang.
(d) Outside Dong Ha.

11. Which solider in Lewis' platoon excels at walking point on patrols?
(a) Corporal Watson.
(b) Corporal Hitch.
(c) Ski.
(d) Cowboy.

12. What local ware does Lewis prohibit his men from purchasing at the Tu Cau Bridge?
(a) Marijuana.
(b) Cigarettes.
(c) Party girls.
(d) Local food.

13. Which member of the platoon joins Lewis and Toddy for drinks at the end of Chapter 5?
(a) Ken Shelleman.
(b) Phil Leslie.
(c) John Zier.
(d) Bob Kerrey.

14. Why doesn't Lewis like Lieutenant Doan?
(a) He is cruel to his troops.
(b) He is arrogant.
(c) He has betrayed his own people.
(d) He is a hypocrite.

15. Who is the first visitor to see Lewis after his injury?
(a) Toddy.
(b) Lewis's father.
(c) Phil Leslie.
(d) Captain Woods.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what branch of the armed forces does Lewis's father serve?

2. Why does Lewis order a rifle inspection upon taking command of his platoon?

3. Who is Commander Shaughnessey?

4. What does Lewis see his father do for the first time the day he leaves home for war?

5. Why was Lewis' predecessor relieved of duty?

(see the answer keys)

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