Forged by Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

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Forged by Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who gives Monique her medication when she is recovering?
(a) Monique.
(b) Jordan.
(c) Angel.
(d) Gerald.

2. Where does Rob usually sleep while his father is working?
(a) A classroom.
(b) The locker room.
(c) A hospital bed.
(d) The car.

3. How old is Gerald when Jordan is released from prison?
(a) 16.
(b) 19.
(c) 18.
(d) 17.

4. Why does Andy feel responsible for Rob's death?
(a) He was driving the car.
(b) He sold him the drugs.
(c) He ran from the mugger.
(d) He didn't see the first signs of illness.

5. What does Monique mouth to Jordan during the trial?
(a) Forgive me.
(b) I love you.
(c) I'm sorry.
(d) It wasn't me.

6. What does Jordan do to keep others from hearing him in Angel's room?
(a) Sings loudly.
(b) Turns the radio up.
(c) Muffles Angel.
(d) Puts towels on the door.

7. What makes Angel laugh after Jordan is taken away by the police?
(a) Gerald hugs her.
(b) Jordan cries.
(c) Tiger is found.
(d) Monique goes hysterical.

8. How does Monique say Gerald feels about Tiger?
(a) He hates him.
(b) He doesn't care about him.
(c) He is afraid of him.
(d) He loves him.

9. What does Monique do most of the time while she is recovering?
(a) Sleeps.
(b) Reads books.
(c) Looks out the window.
(d) Watches TV.

10. What does Jordan like to buy for Tiger?
(a) Salmon.
(b) Steaks.
(c) Raw hide toys.
(d) French fries.

11. What shows Gerald that Monique knew about Jordan's abuse?
(a) She stops calling them liars.
(b) She asks them to forgive her.
(c) She doesn't visit Jordan in jail.
(d) She writes about it in her journal.

12. Why is the house dark when Gerald gets home one night?
(a) The electricity has been shut off.
(b) It is stormy outside.
(c) Jordan has turned off all the lights.
(d) There are blankets over the windows.

13. What does Monique take when her pain pills run out?
(a) Ibuprofin.
(b) Alcohol.
(c) Illegal drugs.
(d) Sleeping pills.

14. What does Gerald say Monique needs to do to make the right choice about Jordan?
(a) Date other men.
(b) Remember the past.
(c) Pray about the decision.
(d) Talk to her daughter.

15. How long is Angel's class?
(a) 5 weeks.
(b) 6 weeks.
(c) 6 months.
(d) 4 months.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Monique miss most of the dance recital?

2. Where is Monique going when she is injured?

3. How does Monique feel about having Jordan back in her life?

4. Why does Angel not tell Kiara what she needs help for?

5. What does Jordan say he wants to make now that he is out of prison?

(see the answer keys)

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