Forge Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Forge Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To whom is George Washington's letter addressed that opens Chapter 20?
(a) Sergeant John Smith.
(b) Jehu Grant.
(c) Henry Laurens.
(d) Thomas Anbury.

2. What does Curzon claim "stealing from a thief" (105) is in Chapter 21?
(a) "Abhorrent."
(b) "Justice."
(c) "Crafty."
(d) "Admirable."

3. Who is addressed in the letter from George Washington that is excerpted in the opening of Chapter 14?
(a) Thomas Anbury.
(b) Daniel Granger.
(c) Sergeant John Smith.
(d) Henry Laurens.

4. What food does the sergeant obtain and distribute to his regiment in Chapter 18?
(a) Carrots.
(b) Potatoes.
(c) Rice.
(d) Beans.

5. Who is the Rhode Island slave whose pension application is excerpted in the opening of Chapter 4?
(a) Ebenezer Woodruff.
(b) Jehu Grant.
(c) Thomas Anbury.
(d) Ezra Tilden.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Curzon insist the young rebel soldier do in the beginning of Chapter 3?

2. Whose journal is excerpted in the opening of Chapter 3, describing the Second Battle of Saratoga?

3. What additional item does the cook at Eben's camp give Curzon when he asks for more food in Chapter 8?

4. What is contained in the wooden box that Curzon takes from the dead redcoat in Chapter 4?

5. What is Captain Russell's profession?

Short Essay Questions

1. What food does Eben offer to share with Curzon in Chapter 21? How do they cook it?

2. How does Curzon describe Eben's appearance by the fire in Chapter 20?

3. When is the Prelude set? Where is Curzon when he awakens in the Prelude?

4. How does Eben respond to the stolen goods in Curzon's bag in Chapter 9?

5. What is discovered in Curzon's bag when Eben presents it to the Sergeant in Chapter 8?

6. At what camp had Curzon spent the last winter? How does he describe it?

7. Why are the three men hanged in Chapter 24?

8. Who are the five men with whom Curzon shares a tent once his regiment sets out in Chapter 11?

9. Why does Curzon steal spoons and buckles in Chapter 1?

10. What does Curzon do the help the Patriot soldier in Chapter 2?

(see the answer keys)

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