Forbidden Notebook Test | Final Test - Medium

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Forbidden Notebook Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Valeria's mother always working on?
(a) Embroidery.
(b) Cooking.
(c) Sweaters for the children.
(d) The garden.

2. Who sees Valeria and Guido standing close together?
(a) The receptionist.
(b) The waiter.
(c) Sandro.
(d) Michele.

3. On the day that convinces Valeria that the director loves her, what does he leave on her desk?
(a) A tulip.
(b) A hawthorn branch.
(c) A mimosa branch.
(d) A rose.

4. Why does Valeria conclude that she cannot do anything for Riccardo?
(a) He wants to keep his distance from her.
(b) He only trusts advice from men.
(c) He only wants to hear reassurance from Marina.
(d) Only those he's afraid of can reassure him.

5. What does Valeria find when she searches Mirella's room?
(a) Nothing of importance.
(b) Letters from Sandro.
(c) Mirella's diary.
(d) A new dress.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Riccardo want to know about the family's monthly expenses?

2. What food does Valeria remember from Riccardo's younger years?

3. Where did Sandro first meet his wife?

4. When the director calls the office, what is the reason he cannot come?

5. How old is Clara?

Short Essay Questions

1. In his letters from Africa, what plans did Michele propose?

2. What does Valeria say when Michele expresses worry that the threat of war will make the movie producers afraid?

3. Why does Sandro say it is hard for Valeria to understand her daughter?

4. Why does Mirella say she would like to hear that Valeria enjoys her work?

5. How has Michele's opinion of Clara changed?

6. When does Valeria think her anxiety started? What does she attribute it to?

7. What does Clara tell Valeria about Michele's film?

8. Why, thinks Valeria, can Michele not really see her anymore?

9. Describe Guido and Valeria's walk to San Carlo church.

10. Why does Valeria not like Marina?

(see the answer keys)

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