Forbidden Notebook Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Forbidden Notebook Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How had Riccardo earned money the previous year?
(a) A job at the university.
(b) Working at the bank with Michele.
(c) Tutoring elementary school students.
(d) Selling cigarettes.

2. When Riccardo was a child, what did he want to be when he grew up?
(a) A soldier.
(b) An actor.
(c) A banker or businessman.
(d) A mechanic or tram driver.

3. What does Valeria work on while her mother sews?
(a) She cleans in the kitchen.
(b) She organizes her father's ties.
(c) She writes in her diary.
(d) She knits.

4. When Michele nearly catches her with the diary, what does Valeria say she was writing?
(a) A business letter for the office.
(b) The shopping accounts.
(c) A birthday card to a relative.
(d) A note to Clara.

5. Who is the girl Riccardo talks to on the phone?
(a) Matilda.
(b) Madison.
(c) Marina.
(d) Mirella.

6. Why does Valeria's mother say she does not like armchairs?
(a) They remind her of her mother.
(b) They hurt her back.
(c) They are unattractive.
(d) They inspire idleness and melancholy.

7. Where did Valeria and Michele go on their honeymoon?
(a) Venice.
(b) Milan.
(c) Florence.
(d) Verona.

8. Where did Valeria once go on vacation?
(a) Napoli.
(b) Tuscany.
(c) Marseille.
(d) Sicily.

9. What does Valeria plan to open on Christmas Eve?
(a) Champagne.
(b) Prosecco.
(c) Cava.
(d) Spumante.

10. What does Valeria think has changed everything in relationships between men and women & parents and children?
(a) The collapse of religion.
(b) The possibility of not obeying.
(c) The economy.
(d) The new music.

11. According to Riccardo, what is Sandro's reputation?
(a) A spoiled aristocrat.
(b) A respectable person.
(c) A known womanizer.
(d) An ambitious young man.

12. What vegetable does Valeria talk about with her mother?
(a) Peppers.
(b) Eggplants.
(c) Green beans.
(d) Artichokes.

13. What does Mirella say that Riccardo keeps in his locked drawer?
(a) His diary.
(b) Letters from girls.
(c) His schoolwork.
(d) Money.

14. On which day does Valeria buy the notebook?
(a) Sunday.
(b) Saturday.
(c) Friday.
(d) Monday.

15. What does Valeria buy for her husband and children to get them out of the home?
(a) Soccer tickets.
(b) A pet dog.
(c) A fancy lunch.
(d) Tickets to a show.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mirella want her parents to buy her with their Christmas bonus money?

2. What is the "single source of happiness" (26) which Valeria fears losing?

3. What has Clara Poletti become since her divorce?

4. Why does Clara phone the Cossatis on February 14th?

5. What does Valeria think is the weakness of wealthy people?

(see the answer keys)

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