For Your Eyes Only Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

For Your Eyes Only Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bond mistake Enrico Colombo and his men for?
(a) A group of octopus fishermen.
(b) A collection of statues.
(c) Sandhills.
(d) A group of spear-fishermen.

2. What does Bond hear as he is getting ready for bed?
(a) A woman's scream.
(b) A great thud.
(c) A shattering of glass.
(d) A gunshot.

3. Who does Bond suspect killed Mr. Krest?
(a) Bond is uncertain.
(b) Mrs. Krest.
(c) Fidele Barbey.
(d) The first mate of the Wavekrest.

4. What kind of champagne is served on the Wavekrest at the "wingding"?
(a) Veuve Clicquot.
(b) Dom Perignon.
(c) Korbel.
(d) Pink champagne.

5. What does Mr. Krest do while Bond and Barbey dive for the fish?
(a) Mr. Krest sits under a tent on the beach smoking a cigar.
(b) Mr. Krest drinks vodka and berates everyone.
(c) Mr. Krest "corrects" Mrs. Krest.
(d) Mr. Krest sits on-board the ship reading the New York Times.

Short Answer Questions

1. What drink does Bond order when sits at Kristatos's table?

2. When Bond regains consciousness how is he being treated by his captor?

3. How does Bond first meet Baum?

4. How does Bond feel about killing the Hildebrand Rarity?

5. Where does the Wavekrest dock the night after Mr. Krest's death?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Colombo so comfortable offering Lisl Baum to Bond as a reward?

2. How does Enrico Colombo discover what Kristatos and Bond are talking about?

3. What is "The Corrector"?

4. Why does Bond tell Lisl he would like to meet with her?

5. Bond knows M has certain "bees in his bonnet." What are they?

6. What is the conspiracy that Colombo and Bond destroyed in "half an hour"?

7. When Mr. Krest catches Liz and Bond holding hands, what does he do?

8. Where and when does Baum agree to meet Bond?

9. What does Bond notice upon regaining consciousness?

10. How do Bond and Lisl Baum first meet?

(see the answer keys)

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