For Your Eyes Only Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

For Your Eyes Only Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Bond carry the fish to Mr. Krest?
(a) Bond carries the fish to Mr. Krest on the tip of his harpoon.
(b) Bond carries the fish underwater in order to preserve its colors.
(c) Bond carries the fish to Mr. Krest in a net.
(d) Bond carries the fish in a gloved hand to protect himself from the venom.

2. What does Bond hear as he is getting ready for bed?
(a) A woman's scream.
(b) A great thud.
(c) A gunshot.
(d) A shattering of glass.

3. At their first meeting what is Bond's impression of Kristatos?
(a) Bond finds Kristatos to be the kind of man with whom he could have a long friendship.
(b) Bond finds Kristatos to have very bad taste.
(c) Bond finds Kristatos to be highly professional.
(d) Bond finds Kristatos to be very sloppy.

4. What skill is possessed by only a few of the Seychellois?
(a) The ability to fish.
(b) The ability to hunt.
(c) The ability to make tools.
(d) The ability to swim.

5. How is Mrs. Krest's face on the journey away from Chagrin Island?
(a) Flushed from drinking vodka.
(b) Very sunburned.
(c) White with Mr. Krest's finger marks.
(d) Alive with the joy of a successful mission.

6. What does Kristatos say Lisl Baum is?
(a) A victim of Enrico Colombo.
(b) A virtuous woman.
(c) A luxus whore.
(d) A surprisingly witty young lady.

7. What United States organization runs the Secret Service and is charged to investigate smuggling and counterfeiting?
(a) The National Security Agency.
(b) The Central Intelligence Agency.
(c) The United States Treasury Department.
(d) The Federal Bureau of Investigation.

8. How does the Bagni Alberoni appear to Bond?
(a) Dilapidated.
(b) Terrifying.
(c) Prosperous.
(d) Magical.

9. How does Colombo reward Bond for his service?
(a) Colombo shoots Bond.
(b) Colombo stabs Bond.
(c) Colombo gives Bond $100,000.
(d) Colombo gives Bond the key to Lisl Baum's hotel room.

10. How does Mr. Krest finally catch the Hildebrand Rarity?
(a) Mr. Krest shoots the fish with a CO2 harpoon gun.
(b) Mr. Krest pours poison into the water that floats all the nearby fish to the surface of the water.
(c) Mr. Krest builds a lobster trap and uses poisonous bait.
(d) Mr. Krest spears the fish in the water.

11. How is Mr. Krest killed?
(a) Mr. Krest is strangled with a stingray tail.
(b) Mr. Krest has the spiny Hildebrand Rarity stuffed into his mouth.
(c) Mr. Krest dies of alcohol poisoning.
(d) Mr. Krest is shot by Bond.

12. What is the best train from Rome to Venice?
(a) The Laguna Express.
(b) The Bagni Alberoni.
(c) The Venezetti Local.
(d) The Acela.

13. What is the old slave-driver's whip of the Indian Ocean.
(a) An eel.
(b) A mythical reef.
(c) A stingray tail.
(d) A palm frond.

14. Why does Colombo claim Kristatos is wrong about him?
(a) Colombo is a smuggler, but never of heroin.
(b) Colombo is a completely law-abiding citizen.
(c) Colombo is not a smuggler at all.
(d) Colombo is a very thin man.

15. How does Barbey find Bond?
(a) Barbey uses a satellite.
(b) Barbey drives along the coast until one of the fisherman informs him there is a white man attempting to commit suicide.
(c) Barbey has Bond tailed.
(d) Barbey sends a wire to British Intelligence in London requesting 007's whereabouts.

Short Answer Questions

1. A week earlier at his meeting with Bond, what was M's mood?

2. What business does Barbey propose to Bond?

3. What does Bond do when Mr. Krest tries to make up with him?

4. Why have Baum and Bond arranged to meet?

5. What does Bond hunt in the beginning of the chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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