For Your Eyes Only Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

For Your Eyes Only Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the girls do after the shooting contest?
(a) The girls argue over who will spend the night with the winner.
(b) The girls bathe in the sun.
(c) The girls sullenly return to the house.
(d) The girls swim out into the lake.

2. At the beginning of the chapter, what kind of vehicle is the assassin using?
(a) A helicopter.
(b) A Ferrari.
(c) A bicycle.
(d) A motorcycle.

3. Who does Mrs. Havelock call "the most dreadful show-offs"?
(a) Pyramus and Daphnis.
(b) Tom and Jerry.
(c) Chloe and James.
(d) Hamlet and Ophelia.

4. What kind of car does Russell drive?
(a) A Corvette.
(b) A Mustang.
(c) A shiny BMW.
(d) A battered Peugeot.

5. What is the last thing Bond tells the Governor?
(a) Bond says he thinks marrying an air hostess might be a bad idea after all.
(b) Bond tells the Governor that he's sorry for blowing up his yacht.
(c) Bond says that he must pay more attention to people because he had initially found Mrs. Harvey Miller to be a terrible bore.
(d) Bond thanks the Governor for the cigars and brandy.

6. Von Hammerstein counts down for the gunmen in what language?
(a) Italian.
(b) German.
(c) English.
(d) Spanish.

7. What is Major Gonzales's business with the Havelocks?
(a) The Major is dropping by for a casual visit.
(b) The Major wishes to settle a matter of personal honor with the Havelocks.
(c) The Major wishes to purchase Content for a generous sum.
(d) The Major wishes to purchase Content for an insulting sum.

8. The Governor's voice holds an undertone of distaste for what aspect of Bond?
(a) His equanimity.
(b) His earthiness.
(c) His eagerness.
(d) His earnestness.

9. What does Colonel Havelock do after Major Gonzales introduces his "secretaries"?
(a) The Colonel stands and offers everyone a drink.
(b) The Colonel stands and excuses himself to a pressing engagement.
(c) The Colonel loads his pipe and wonders how he can manouver these men to his study where he keeps his revolver.
(d) The Colonel loads his pipe, lights it, and removes a pistol from the pocket of his blazer.

10. How does Von Hammerstein manage to stay alive so effectively according to Bond?
(a) Von Hammerstein is a man who takes trouble to do so.
(b) Von Hammerstein is very likable.
(c) Von Hammerstein is phenominally lucky.
(d) Von Hammerstein strikes fear in the heart of his enemies.

11. What is Judy's response when Bond calls killing Von Hammerstein and his men "man's work"?
(a) Judy shoots Bond in the foot with an arrow.
(b) Judy vanishes into the woods.
(c) Judy kicks Bond between his legs.
(d) Judy tells Bond this is her business not his.

12. After the affair how does Masters treat Rhoda?
(a) Very coldly.
(b) Very forgivingly.
(c) Masters refuses to see Rhoda.
(d) Indifferently.

13. Why is Bond frustrated by Rattray's news?
(a) Bond dislikes Head of F personally.
(b) Bond feels M is getting back at him for failing at his last mission.
(c) Bond wants to spend more time with Mary Ann Russell in Paris.
(d) Bond doesn't feel there is anything to do that SHAPE security has not already done.

14. What is Bond's last question to Colonel Johns?
(a) Bond asks if the Savage rifle's trigger is a single pull or a double.
(b) Bond asks how far it is from the woods to the house at Echo Lake.
(c) Bond asks for directions to the chemist who will give him walnut stain.
(d) Bond asks what one has to do to become a Mounty.

15. Where does Masters meet Rhoda Llewellyn?
(a) On an oceanliner.
(b) On an airplane.
(c) In an elevator.
(d) In a taxi cab.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the source of Harvey Miller's money?

2. How does Bond feed himself on a stakeout?

3. Where is Nassau?

4. What are the gunmen's targets in their shooting contest?

5. What must the members of a couple preserve in order to survive adversity?

(see the answer keys)

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