For One More Day Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

For One More Day Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What profession did Chick get into after baseball?
(a) Business owner.
(b) Computer programming.
(c) Sales.
(d) Coaching.

2. What does the caller say when Chick answers the phone at Rose's house?
(a) He tries to sell Chick life insurance.
(b) He asks for Rose's husband, but he is dead.
(c) He says he is Rose's husband, but her husband is dead.
(d) He speaks Chick's name and says there was an accident.

3. How did Posey come to find out about the Italian woman?
(a) She went to Collinswood where Len Benetto bought her a house.
(b) She saw a picture of the woman in Len Benetto's wallet.
(c) She got a phone call from the woman one day.
(d) She heard a rumor from a neighbor.

4. What does Posey tell Chick in a note just after he began college is not a license to be mean to girls?
(a) His financial status.
(b) His handsomness.
(c) His athletic ability.
(d) His intelligence.

5. What does Chick imagine his mother saying to him as he performs the Jewish custom she requested at her funeral?
(a) Good boy.
(b) How could you?
(c) Perfect.
(d) Could you do it a little better?

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Chick learn about his mother while he and she are visiting with Miss Thelma?

2. Who does Chick claim was a ghost throughout his childhood?

3. Where did Chick find his greatest joy during the bleak years after baseball?

4. What does Chick notice as he, his mother, and Miss Thelma drive through town?

5. What does Miss Thelma's family think she is doing?

Short Essay Questions

1. On whom does Chick blame the break up of his marriage?

2. What happens when Chick hears the strange voice once again?

3. What do they call a short stay in professional baseball?

4. What did Posey often do for some of the patients in the hospital where she worked as a nurse?

5. Why did Chick not want his mother to go to his dorm room with him?

6. What does Miss Thelma claim will keep her memory alive for years to come?

7. Who does Chick say the ghost in his life truly was?

8. Who gave Chick his nickname?

9. What does Chick admit embarrassed him about his mother as a child?

10. To whom does Posey take Chick to visit after dinner?

(see the answer keys)

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