For One More Day Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

For One More Day Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What meal that Posey makes does Len Benetto often complain she cannot make properly?
(a) Ziti.
(b) Macaroni.
(c) Fettuccini.
(d) Spaghetti.

2. What causes Chick to crash his car in Section 1?
(a) An animal that jumped in front of his car.
(b) His decision to go the wrong way down an on ramp.
(c) His decision to drink.
(d) A car driving in the wrong direction.

3. The narrator says every family is a what?
(a) A ghost story.
(b) A drama.
(c) A romance.
(d) A joke.

4. What question does Posey ask Chick that causes him to insist that her being in the kitchen eight years after her death is impossible?
(a) Is he ill.
(b) Is Catherine joining them.
(c) Can he stay all day.
(d) Is he dead.

5. Why did the doctor who delivered Chick tell Posey she had to deliver by dinner time?
(a) It cost extra if he had to work through dinner.
(b) His wife was making fish sticks.
(c) He had another patient scheduled for surgery.
(d) He did not want her to go hungry.

6. Who supposedly played in the World Series?
(a) The old man at the beach.
(b) Chick Benetto.
(c) The old man at the cemetery.
(d) Len Benetto.

7. Why does Chick recall that his mother barked at a neighborhood dog?
(a) To make him laugh.
(b) To teach the dog not to mess with people.
(c) To make his sister laugh.
(d) To teach him that you have to show a bully whose boss.

8. Who notices the narrator in the Introduction as the narrator watches the action going on?
(a) A kid building a sand castle.
(b) An old man visiting his wife's grave.
(c) A kid pitching a ball.
(d) An old man mowing the grass.

9. Why does Posey ask Chick to put on his coat after he has finished eating?
(a) She is taking him to the hospital.
(b) She wants him to leave her alone.
(c) She has visits to make.
(d) She is sending him to the store.

10. What one thing did Chick notice his parents did together that seemed to make them both happy?
(a) Dance.
(b) Drink.
(c) Party.
(d) Sing.

11. What does the main character think the narrator wants to know about him?
(a) Why his mother died.
(b) Why he left his familiy.
(c) Why he drank and drove.
(d) Why he attempted suicide.

12. What does Chick intend to do once he arrives at his destination in Section 2: Part 1?
(a) To speak to his daughter.
(b) To drink some more.
(c) To kill himself.
(d) To speak to his wife.

13. Why did the narrator come to Pepperville Beach?
(a) To close on a house that had been in the family for years.
(b) To visit a relative.
(c) To buy a house.
(d) To bury a relative.

14. Who came to Chick's defense when the librarian refused to allow him to check out the book he wanted?
(a) His friend.
(b) His father.
(c) His teacher.
(d) His mother.

15. How many visits does Posey tell Chick she must make that day?
(a) Two.
(b) One.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

Short Answer Questions

1. What line does Chick Benetto feel he crossed?

2. What question does the narrator pose at the end of the Introduction?

3. What does Posey do with this food?

4. What one word was the only one Chick could manage to say when his mother, who had been dead eight years, entered the kitchen in Section 2: Part 2?

5. Where does the narrator claim to have found the main character of this novel one Saturday morning?

(see the answer keys)

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