Fools Crow Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fools Crow Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What surprises Fast Horse about Owl Child's response to his concern?
(a) He is surprised that Owl Child agrees with him.
(b) He is surprised that Owl Child is not worried about planning for winter.
(c) He is surprised that Owl Child gets angry with him.
(d) He is surprised that Owl child laughs at him for worrying.

2. What is Red Paint worried about in Chapter 22?
(a) She worries for her unborn child.
(b) She worries for her mother.
(c) She worries for her father.
(d) She worries for her husband.

3. Why is Heavy Shield Woman angry with Fools Crow?
(a) She caught Fools Crow looking at Kills-close-to-the-lake.
(b) She disagrees with his arrogant and self-serving attitude.
(c) She is tired of him asking for a many-shots-gun.
(d) She feels he is risking his life for Fast Horse.

4. Who does Three Bears want representing the Lone Eaters at the meeting with the seizer chiefs?
(a) Rides-at-the-door.
(b) Fools Crow.
(c) Three Bears wants to represent the Lone Eaters himself .
(d) Yellow Kidney.

5. Why would the Lone Eaters trust the information the Napikwan healer brings?
(a) They would not trust any information from any Napikwan.
(b) Because the healer was married to a Pikunis woman who died of the white scab disease.
(c) Because Fools Crow vouched for him as a fellow healer.
(d) Because he smoked the pipe and swore his tongue was true and not forked.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Owl Child do at the ranch?

2. Why is Heavy Shield Woman's concerned about Running Fisher?

3. What does Fools Crow look at as he ponders the situation they are in with the Napikwans and the white scab disease?

4. What punishment does Rides-at-the-door decide to impose on Kills-close-to-the-lake?

5. What is the white scab disease?

Short Essay Questions

1. What advice and hope does Feather Woman give to Fools Crow after he sees the designs on the skin come to life?

2. Describe the thoughts and feelings of Yellow Kidney before, during and after he decides to leave the Lone Eater camp.

3. What is the significance of the thrashing wings that Fools Crow hears when he wakes in the woman's dwelling?

4. What happens to Yellow Kidney while he is taking shelter in the war lodge, and does he see it coming?

5. What does Fast Horse suggest Fools Crow tell his father when he returns to the Lone Eater Camp?

6. How does Fools Crow discover the new land in his dream during his seven-day journey?

7. How is Yellow Kidney's body delivered back to his people?

8. How does Fast Horse's reaction to finding Yellow Kidney's body show he is beginning to regret the path he has chosen with Owl Child?

9. How does the author introduce hope into the devastation that has forced the Lone Eaters to begin the journey toward the Sand Hills that gives this book its bitter-sweet ending?

10. What does Fast Horse find in the war lodge while Owl Child stays with the horses, and how does he know who it is?

(see the answer keys)

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