Fools Crow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fools Crow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What lone rider goes to Fools Crow at the beginning of Chapter 16, and what injury does he suffer?
(a) Fast Horse, who has fallen from his horse and has a head injury.
(b) Fast Horse, who has been shot by the Napiwans.
(c) Owl Child, who has a badly burned hand and may lose his fingers.
(d) Owl Child, who has been tortured by the Napikwans.

2. Which of the Lone Eaters does Owl Child invite to come visit him?
(a) Mik-api.
(b) White Man's Dog.
(c) Three Bears.
(d) Fast Horse.

3. What does Rides-at-the-door think they should do about the Napikwans?
(a) He thinks they should join Fast Horse and Owl Child and fight the Napikwans.
(b) He thinks they should leave them alone.
(c) He thinks they should move the camp farther from the Napikwans.
(d) He thinks they should pray and hold a cleansing ritual.

4. Why does Raven promise not to tell Fools Crow's secret?
(a) Fools Crow threatens to kill Raven if he does tell.
(b) It is important to forget the past and focus on the present.
(c) It increases Pikunis power to believe one so strong walks among them.
(d) Red Paint begs Raven not to tell so Fools Crow will not be shamed.

5. What concerns Rides-at-the-door regarding White Man's Dog's choice of a wife?
(a) White Man's Dog will lose position in the camp.
(b) He fears the woman will not be a good wife to White Man's Dog.
(c) He does not think White Man's Dog is ready to marry.
(d) White Man's Dog will be responsible for Yellow Kidney's entire family.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of Chapter 13, how does Red Paint wake White Man's Dog?

2. What color horse does Owl Child sit on?

3. Who is Heavy Shield Woman?

4. Which of the following does NOT advance the theme of loss and change in Chapters 13 and 14?

5. What object ties a wolverine dream of White Dog's and a wolverine dream of Kills-close-to-the-Lake's with reality?

Short Essay Questions

1. When White Man's Dog marries Red Paint, her father, Yellow Kidney, gives White Man's Dog his many-shots-gun as a wedding present. Why is this particularly significant to White Man's Dog?

2. Why is White Man's Dog uncomfortable with his new name, Fools Crow?

3. Where does Fast Horse decide to go upon his recovery, and why?

4. Describe Fast Horse as he in introduced in the first two chapters of this book.

5. Why does White Man's Dog think that Yellow Kidney's disappearance and Fast Horse's dream may be related, and what does he do about it?

6. What discussion is sparked when Fools Crow tells the Lone Eater camp that he has killed a Napikwan hunter?

7. What is the purpose of the war party?

8. In Mik-api's dream, what will Raven give to White Man's Dog if he finds and releases the wolverine caught in the Napikwan trap?

9. Describe White Man's Dog's recurring dream in Chapter 3.

10. Who are Running Fisher and Rides-at-the-door, and what disturbing news do they bring the others in Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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