Fools Crow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fools Crow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who would Red Paint and White Man's Dog like to give the honor of naming the baby to?
(a) Fox Eyes.
(b) Rides-at-the-door.
(c) Crows Foot.
(d) Yellow Kidney.

2. What has Fast Horse done that breaks with the traditions of the Pikunis?
(a) He has killed white men, lain with their women, and stolen their gold.
(b) He left his camp and rides with Owl Child.
(c) He has chosen to marry a white Napikwan woman.
(d) He does not respect his father.

3. What does Boss Ribs want Fools Crow to do about Fast Horse at the end of Chapter 17?
(a) He wants Fools Crow to stop being friends with Fast Horse.
(b) He wants Fools Crow to banish Fast Horse.
(c) He asks Fools Crow to find Fast Horse and bring him home.
(d) He asks Fools Crow to kill Owl Child and bring Fast Horse home.

4. At the beginning of Chapter 13, how does Red Paint wake White Man's Dog?
(a) She accidentally trips over him.
(b) She calls him by his new name, Sleep-bringer.
(c) She tickles him.
(d) She calls him by his new name, Fools Crow.

5. How does the war party react to the phenomenon that occurs with the sun on the fourth day?
(a) They perform a sun ceremony to restore the sun.
(b) They do not know what it means and are bewildered.
(c) They see it as a bad omen and are afraid.
(d) They see it as a good omen that Bull Shield's camp will be destroyed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What concerns Rides-at-the-door regarding White Man's Dog's choice of a wife?

2. What events make Red Paint question the fairness of fate?

3. Whose boastful recklessness worries Yellow Kidney because it could bring trouble to the raiding party's success?

4. What does White Man's Dog sing as he rides into Bull Shield's camp?

5. Who does Rides-at-the-door think should be banished from the Lone Eaters?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is White Man's Dog uncomfortable with his new name, Fools Crow?

2. Why do White Man's Dog and Fast Horse plan to build a sweat lodge?

3. Why does Three Bears think the riders who enter the Lone Eater's camp at the beginning of Chapter 7 have probably stolen the horses they have with them?

4. How does White Man's Dog manage to kill Bull Shield?

5. Fools Crow does not want to kill a white man as Raven asks, but is finally convinced to comply for what reason?

6. What secret does Raven promise to keep for Fools Crow, and why?

7. Why is Fast Horse attracted to Owl Child's band?

8. Who are Running Fisher and Rides-at-the-door, and what disturbing news do they bring the others in Chapter 9?

9. Why does White Man's Dog think that Yellow Kidney's disappearance and Fast Horse's dream may be related, and what does he do about it?

10. What does Boss Ribs do to help his son, Fast Horse, recover from his gunshot wound that he hopes will persuade Fast Horse to stay with the Lone Eaters?

(see the answer keys)

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