Fools Crow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fools Crow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which would best describe the losses suffered by the Lone Eater camp from the white scab disease?
(a) After thirteen days, the losses are suprisingly light, with only a few deaths.
(b) The losses were heavy at first, but the arrival of the vaccine on the thirteenth day will prevent any more outbreaks.
(c) The Lone Eaters moved north thirteen days ahead of the plague of the white scab disease.
(d) After thirteen days, the losses are heavy, friends and family have died, and new cases are breaking out.

2. Why is Heavy Shield Woman's concerned about Running Fisher?
(a) Running Fisher has been shot.
(b) Running Fisher has moved out of the lodge and she does not know why.
(c) She knows about Running Fisher and Kills-close-to-the-lake.
(d) Running Fisher is going with Fools Crow to find Fast Horse.

3. What does Owl Child want to do now that his grudge with Four Bears has been settled?
(a) Owl Child is satisfied and wants to return to a life of peace.
(b) Owl Child has no more use for Fast Horse and wants him to return to his tribe.
(c) Owl Child wants Fast Horse to kill a Napikwan, too.
(d) Owl Child wants to kill all the Napikwans.

4. What does Fools Crow do to help One Spot get rid of his nightmares?
(a) He reminds One Spot that if the wolf visits his dreams it is because he may want to become his dream helper.
(b) He hugs and comforts One Spot until he goes back to sleep.
(c) He performs a ritual to banish the nightmares.
(d) He gives him an amulet to wear while he sleeps.

5. What does the land that Fools Crow sees in his dream look like?
(a) It is mountainous with a river running through it.
(b) It is beautiful and full of game and lush plants.
(c) It is a desolate wasteland with no water, plants, rocks or debris.
(d) It is beautiful, but there is no life in it. The water has a sandy bottom with no plants, rocks or debris.

6. Fools Crow asks Fast Horse why he has changed. What is Fast Horse's response?
(a) He says it was Fools Crow fault for making him look bad.
(b) He says wanted to stop the Napikwans from kill all the game.
(c) He says it was Cold Maker's fault because he betrayed him and did not make him powerful.
(d) He says it was outraged at what happened to Yellow Kidney.

7. Who does Three Bears want representing the Lone Eaters at the meeting with the seizer chiefs?
(a) Rides-at-the-door.
(b) Three Bears wants to represent the Lone Eaters himself .
(c) Fools Crow.
(d) Yellow Kidney.

8. When the leaders of the Pikunis meet to discuss the Napikwan healer's warning and recommendations in Chapter 28, what do they decide to do?
(a) They will travel north to get away from the infected area.
(b) They will turn away all strangers to protect their own.
(c) They cannot come to an agreement, so they are at an impasse.
(d) They will ask the Napikwans for blankets and medicine.

9. Where does Yellow Kidney take shelter after leaving the camp?
(a) In a make-shift lean-to.
(b) In an empty war lodge.
(c) In a cave.
(d) In an abandoned ranch house.

10. When Rides-at-the-door returns from the council meeting, does the camp agree with the demands of the Napikwans?
(a) Yes, they hope to apease the Napikwan and will comply with all the demands.
(b) They agree reluctantly only because they will not receive blankets and medicine for the white scab disease.
(c) No, they reject all the seizer's demands.
(d) They agree with the demand to turn in Fast Horse, but reject the other two.

11. What or who is a "seizer chief?"
(a) A renegade Indian who abducts Napikwans.
(b) An amulet imbued with the power to control the enemy's mind.
(c) A dream character who "seizes" Pikunis souls.
(d) White men who represent the Napikwan government.

12. To what does Yellow Kidney liken his life to?
(a) He thinks his life is like that of an old man.
(b) He thinks his life is like that of a mighty warrior.
(c) He thinks his life is like that of an injured bear.
(d) He thinks his life is like that of a helpless baby.

13. Who visits the Lone Eaters' camp in Chapters 25-26?
(a) A delegate of the Napikwan seizers.
(b) Owl Child and Fast Horse.
(c) Pretty-on-top and a Napikwan healer.
(d) Yellow Kidney.

14. In Chapter 31, what does Fools Crow see the older woman in the doe skin doing?
(a) She is singing as she paints a design on a yellow skin.
(b) She is singing with a bag of turnips from her garden.
(c) She is cooking food.
(d) She is digging turnips with her digging stick and putting them in a sack.

15. What does Fools Crow look at as he ponders the situation they are in with the Napikwans and the white scab disease?
(a) Red Paints' pregnant belly.
(b) Bull Shield's Scalp.
(c) His many-shots-gun.
(d) His moccasin-shod feet.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has happened to Red Paint's youngest brother, One Spot, in Chapter 23?

2. What news do the visitors bring to the Lone Eaters' camp?

3. What surprises Fast Horse about Owl Child's response to his concern?

4. How long does Nitsokan challenge Fast Horse to travel without stopping?

5. How do we know that Fast Horse is finally beginning to show some honor?

(see the answer keys)

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